Texas Tech University


The TTU Libraries have many resources available to help foster the Texas Tech community’s use of technology inside and outside the library. Note also that the Advanced Technology Learning Center (ATLC) and the Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center (TLPDC) have computing resources housed in the University Library building.

Public Computers

We own and maintain over two hundred computers for students, faculty, and the public. These computers have a wide variety of software installed to help facilitate library research.

Use your eRaider account to log into a library computer. 

Desktop Computers

You can find a desktop computer in these locations:

Laptop Computers

You can check out a laptop computer at the East Service Desk (Ground Floor) of the library:

  • Laptops are available for Texas Tech University Faculty, Staff, and Students.
  • Laptops check out for up to 8 hours.
  • Laptops may not be kept overnight.

Available Computers

Location Open
Ground Floor 89
Mezzanine 39
DMS & 3D Lab 40
Basement 9

Other Resources