Books & Media - Library Catalog
The TTU Libraries book collection includes over 4,000,000 physical and electronic materials, ranging from scholarly to popular works. The Library's Dynamic Media Services (DMS) offers both scholarly and popular works in a variety of formats, including DVD and CD.
Search Books & Media
You may search the TTU Libraries catalog to find books, bound journals, CDs, DVD, and other resources.
Item Checkout
For information about loan periods, fines, and other relevant information please visit our Borrowing Policies page.
CDs, DVDs and other media items can be checked out from the DMS, on the 2nd floor east of the University Library.
Recommend a Title
Those interested in suggesting the addition of a particular work to the collection please contact our Personal Librarians or fill out the Library's Request Form.
Other Materials
- Government Documents
- Maps
- Microforms: please contact Document Delivery department at
University Libraries
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