VR Lab Resources
The VR Lab offers the following hardware available for use by the students, faculty, and staff of Texas Tech University:
- Dell high-end gaming computers
- 13th gen Intel Core i9 processors
- 32 GB of RAM
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
- Oculus Rift HM-A Headset
- Dual Oculus Rift Controllers
- Oculus Rift Sensor
- 27" Monitors
Users are welcome to access web VR content or create/sign in with an Oculus account (free to create). Once signed into an Oculus account, you will be able to access the following software through the Oculus store:
- Google Earth VR
- BBC Home
- Sharecare VR
- Blocks by Google
- Sketchbox
- Travel VR
- Mission:ISS
- 1943 Berlin Blitz
- Oculus Dreamdeck
University Libraries
2802 18th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-2265 -