Colloquia - Spring 2021
Please also visit PHAS Colloquia indico page
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Topic* | Host |
1/26(T) | M. Kim | TTU | Intro - PHYS 5101 Student Only | ||
2/2(T) | Richard Price | MIT | Professional Preparation | PER | Romano |
2/9(T) | Rob Farmer | Univ. of Amsterdam | Mind the gap: What can we learn about stellar astrophysics from gravitational wave detections of binary black holes? | AST | Maccarone |
2/16(T) | Cancelled | ||||
2/23(T) | Gina Passante | California State Univ. Fullerton | Student Thinking about Measurements and Uncertainty in Physics | PER | Thacker |
3/2(T) | Brian Skinner | Ohio State Univ. | Measurement-induced Phase Transitions in the Dynamics of Quantum Entanglement | CMP | DeGottardi |
3/9(T) | Rui He | TTU | Raman spectroscopy of van der Waals magnet CrI3 | CMP | Lee/M.Kim |
3/11(Th) | Sam Cano/ Sadman Shanto | TTU | Dancing in the "Muonlight": an Overview of Muography and Related Developments | HEP | Akchurin |
3/16(T) | Chris White | UC Santa Barbara | The Lessons Being Learned by Imaging Black Holes | AST | Kupfer |
3/23(T) | Alexander Khanikaev | The City College of the City Univ. of New York | Topological Photonics and Polaritonics | CMP | M. Kim |
3/30(T) | Katie Breivik | The Center for Computationl Astrophysics at the Flatiron Institute | Black hole binary formation: a multi-messenger, multi-band puzzle | AST | Maccarone |
4/6(T) | Stephanie Law | Univ. of Delaware | Photons, plasmons, and polaritons: optical phenomena in complex materials | CMP | DeGottardi |
4/13(T) | Thomas Maccarone/ Benjamin Owen | TTU | The latest Nobel Prize in Physics: Black holes | AST | Lee |
4/20(T) | Dom Pesce | Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | Imaging the supermassive black hole in M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope | AST | Maccarone |
4/27(T) | Cancelled | ||||
5/4(T) | Kimberly Palladino | Oxford Univ. (UK) | SensationaLZ: Direct Dark Matter Searches in the Era of LZ | HEP | Lee |
*AST: Astronomy and Astrophysics, BIO: Biophysics, CMP: Condensed Matter Physics, HEP: High Energy Physics, PER: Physics Education Research.
Previous Colloquia: Fall 2020 | Spring 2020 | Fall 2019 | Spring 2019 | Fall 2018 | Spring 2018 |
Upcoming Colloquia: Fall 2021 |
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Texas Tech University, Physics & Astronomy Department, Box 41051, Lubbock, TX 79409-1051 -
806.742.3767 | Fax: 806.742.1182 -
Email |