Texas Tech Turf
TTU Turfgrass Science & Management
What is Turfgrass Science and Management?
Turfgrass Science and Management — a concentration of study in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences — is a diverse program that combines the study of grasses, soils, water and pests. Turfgrass managers are involved with the production and maintenance of grasses for recreational, aesthetic and environmental uses.
Have questions about or interest in the Texas Tech Turf program?
We'd love to hear from you!
Associate Professor of Turfgrass Science Phone: (806) 834-8457 Email: joey.young@ttu.edu Bayer Plant Science Building, Room 112B |
Associated Programs:
Department of Plant and Soil Science
Texas Tech University, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Box 42122, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2838 -