June 09, 2014
Buster's Gin Scholarship Endowment in honor of Dan and Linda Taylor was established by Buster's Gin in 2009.Scholarships will benefit students enrolled within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
June 09, 2014
Frank M. Carter Memorial Scholarship was established by Buster Carter, Pat Carter, and Phebe Carter Hetchcock in 1985. Scholarships for entering freshmen and currently enrolled students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources based on high school record and entrance examination scores; or on GPA. Awards will include a minimum $1,000 scholarship to a student from the Top-O-Texas Show area and one or more Gold Award Dean's Scholars Scholarship awards per year. The Gold Award is renewable with appropriate academic progress.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
June 09, 2014
The E.G. and Evelyn Cauble, Jr. Scholarship Endowment was established by E.G. and Evelyn Cauble, Jr. of Big Lake, Texas in 1998. Scholarships available for undergraduate students majoring in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
June 09, 2014
The Marvin J. Cepica Student Agricultural Council Scholarship Endowment was established by Student Agricultural Council Members, Marvin J. Cepica in 1995. Scholarships available for students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who are active in the Student Agricultural Council as officers or representatives.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter