Ali Ghazvinian, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Architecture, Penn State University
M.S., Architecture, Univeristy of Tehran
B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Tehran
Ali Ghazvinian (Alighaz) is an Assistant Professor of Architecture focused on Advanced Building Technology and Design at the Huckabee College of Architecture at Texas Tech University. Before joining TTU, Alighaz did his Ph.D. studies at Penn State University. During his stay at PSU, he collaborated with scholars from different disciplines, such as biology, material science, civil and architectural engineering, and architecture, which earned him awards and grants, including the AIA Upjohn Research Initiative, The SOM Foundation Prize, and the Distinguished Doctoral Researcher Medal at Penn State University. Alighaz holds a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in architecture from the University of Tehran, Iran.
Alighaz's collaborative works with Mycelium-based Composites have been exhibited in different venues like the Biomaterial Building Expo at the University of Virginia (2022) and published in various publications, including the Journal of Architectural Education, The Journal of International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures, and The Journal of Green Building.
His research and teaching interests are related to the interrelation between form, matter, and performance. He loves teaching Materials and Structures to Architecture students, researching novel materials and lightweight structures, and finding better methods for teaching technology within design schools. Outside academia, he loves cooking, playing Football (Soccer) and Volleyball, and enjoying live music.
Room 610
Photo credit: Tom Daly
Huckabee College of Architecture
Texas Tech University, 1800 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3136 -