Joseph Aranha
M. Arch, Iowa State University
B. Arch, The Indian Institute of Technology
Joseph Aranha received a Bachelor of Architecture from the Indian Institute of Technology and a Master of Architecture from Iowa State University. Born in Bangalore, India, Aranha has spent his career studying traditional and vernacular architecture around the world. Framed within the context of a world confronted by rapid change, loss of regional and architectural identity and desires for new identities, Aranha's work examines continuity and change in traditional buildings and settlements in nonwestern societies. His publications relating to traditional architecture also include, internationally exhibited photo essays and contributions to the Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World.
Aranha's international experience ranges from field research in North and Sub Saharan Africa, Asia, South East Asia, and the Middle East to Fulbright Specialist projects and invited teaching appointments at universities in Malaysia, China, India, Spain and Mexico. He has been a recipient of two separate Fulbright Fellowships in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. He has taught summer design studios for the COA at the TTU Center in Seville, Spain for more than a decade as part of a collaboration that he initiated with the School of Architecture at the University of Seville.
Room 1002E
Office Hours: W/F 10:00 AM–12:00 PM and by appointment
Huckabee College of Architecture
Texas Tech University, 1800 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3136 -