Hendrika Buelinckx, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D, University of California, Los Angeles
M.S., Free University of Brussels, Belgium
M.Arch, St. Lukas Institute, Belgium
Holds degrees from European and American architectural institutions.
Dr. Buelinckx's professional degree in Architecture, post-professional degree in Engineering, and Ph.D in Formal Design Theory and Methods from UCLA provides a solid basis to teach design studios and lecture courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. She has taught design studios since 1983 both in Europe and the US and joined the College of Architecture at Texas Tech University in 1995. She was one of the pioneers to champion education in Computer Aided Design in Europe and co-founded eCAADe in the early 1980s. Her current research interests include the pedagogy of architectural design studio teaching, visual spatial literacy, architectural theory, and gender studies in architecture. Dr. Buelinckx's extraordinary teaching has been recognized with numerous awards, including the TTU President's Excellence in Teaching Award.
Dr. Buelinckx is a shape grammarian whose research focuses on Architectonics— the science of architectural composition rather than performance. The methods used to characterize these studies vary from graphic analyses to their coding in generative shape grammars. Her article on Christopher Wren's City Churches—a Generative Specification remains a standard in the field. These research interests inform her seminars on From Shape and Space to Languages of Designs and her Design Studio teachings.
Another line of inquiry focuses on gender issues in architecture and the role women play in envisioning, shaping, and characterizing the architecture of the American West. These research interests form the basis for her lectures on Women and Architecture. She has lectured publicly on these topics at various regional, national, and international venues.
Room 307
Office Hours: By appointment
Huckabee College of Architecture
Texas Tech University, 1800 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3136 -