Pratana "Pat" Klieopatinon
Visiting Assistant Professor
M.S. in Advanced Architectural Design, Columbia University
B. Arch, Texas Tech University
Architecture as Service | Service as Architecture
Studies the small, slow, and set aside
Pat Klieopatinon is a Thai/ US architect, educator, and researcher from Bangkok, Thailand, whose past professional and personal experiences focused on architecture as a medium for learning inside and outside of the studio. The pedagogical approach requires students to speculate beyond their assumed designer roles, into extended realms as participatory, social members, and citizens of the land. Project criteria address human and non-human interactions at an array of scales from artifacts and domesticity to larger, urban scales of settlements, communities, and cities, along with their relevant ecologies and influences, both intended and incidental. They are core to her ongoing research and practice analyzing and documenting the reciprocity between Architecture and Service. The inquiry also circumnavigates the critical services of architectural education.
Prior to joining the CoA in 2022, she was Program Coordinator at INDA (The International Program in Design and Architecture), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, where she also taught research-based design studios, architecture/community/urban/ecology seminars, and actively engaged in academic and professional public platforms.
Room 511A
Office Hours: F 8:00–11:00 AM or by appointment
Huckabee College of Architecture
Texas Tech University, 1800 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3136 -