Texas Tech University

Issue 17



Dr. Erin Collopy
Department Chair

As I scrolled through the content of the current newsletter looking for a theme that best represents Fall 2017, I was impressed by the complexity, diversity, and richness of the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures and so I will make that the theme of this introduction. We teach twelve different languages and each of these language programs sponsor lectures, symposia, and conferences. We house over ten student organizations that offer regular cultural and social events, movie nights, peer tutoring, and conversation hours. Many of these events are open to the public. We will be updating it for Spring 2018 shortly.

Welcome to our new faculty Dr. Kristen Michelson (French/Applied Linguistics), Dr. Brendan Regan (Spanish & Portuguese), Dr. Sydnor Roy (Classics), Dr. Lucas Wood (French), and Dr. Pamela Zinn (Classics). Congratulations to Dr. Michael Martinez and Dr. Julio César Pérez Méndez for successfully defending their dissertations. Also, congratulations to our new MAs Nawaf Alanazi, Michael Boyles, Zachary Brandner, Elizabeth Hammond, and Laura Schuster and all our new BAs. We wish you further success!

Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures

  • Address

    CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409
  • Phone
