Texas Tech University

Jo Anna Albiar

Jo Anna Albiar is a lecturer in the First-Year Writing Program. She has taught English rhetoric, composition, and literature for twenty years. Jo Anna is currently an Associate Editor for Iron Horse Literary Review and served as a Managing Editor for Iron Horse while working on her master's degree at Texas Tech. She also served as the Creative Nonfiction Editor for Relief: A Christian Literary Expression. She has published a book review in Iron Horse, an interview with Dennis Covington in Image Journal, and personal essays on MagicalTeaching.com. Jo Anna also served as a committee member of the Two-Year College Association Southwest Conference in 2013 and was a panelist on the TCCTA's “Keys to Success” panel at the 68th annual convention. She received her M.F.A. from Seattle Pacific University


First-Year Writing

Email: joalbiar@ttu.edu