Catherine Jane Cole
Catherine Jane Cole is a mixed-race Hispanic/Latina writer of speculative fiction, member of the LGBTQ+ community, spokesperson of the strange and unusual, and lover of clear, beautiful language that touches the heart and lifts the imagination.
Studies and Work
BA in Graphic Design/Publishing GPA 3.8 (Graduated 2006)
Specialization in Children's Book Illustration (Completed 2007)
Training and work as ESL teacher (Berlitz World Languages and Wall Street English 2008)
Training and work as English-Spanish translator (2009-2020, Licensed in 2012
English - Native (USA/European family)
Spanish - Native (Born in Colombia, schooling in Colombia)
French - Studies in Paris (Level B2, European family)
Catherine J. Cole won 1st prize in the Metamorphose Vol. 2 Science Fiction Short Story Contest and four Honorable Mentions in the Writers of the Future Contest. More of her short fiction can be found in the magazines and anthologies Candlesticks and Daggers: An Anthology of Mixed-Genre Mysteries,Distressing Damsels, One Hundred Voices Vol. 3, Broadswords and Blasters Issue 6, Chronos: An Anthology of Time Drabbles, Galactic Goddesses, Breaking Bizarro, Through Other Eyes by All Worlds Wayfarer Magazine, and Fantasy Magazine Issue 68. She also has an essay in Through the Eye of the Needle by Praxis Magazine.
MA in Creative Writing
Department of English
P.O. Box 43091 Lubbock, TX 79409-3091 -
806.742.2501 -