Raquel L. DeLeon received her B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Technical Communication (2016) and
her M.A. in English with an emphasis in Rhetoric and Technical communication from
Eastern Washington University (2018). Along with her M.A., she also received a Teaching
Certificate in English. She is currently a second year Ph.D. student at Texas Tech
University, in the Rhetoric and Technical Communication program. Her research interests
are usability testing, user-centered design, storytelling methodologies to uncover
social injustice(s), health communication, and risk communication.
Dean, R.L. (2019). User Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Latino with the Frontier Behavioral Health
Website. XChanges Journal, 14(1). http://www.xchanges.org/user-experiences-of-spanish-speaking
PhD in Technical Communication & Rhetoric Email: raquel.deleon@ttu.edu