Texas Tech University

jo reyes

Research Interests: Queer literature, hybrid literary practices, disability studies, BIPOC literary studies, borderlands, mourning and decoloniality; community building; and liberation pedagogy. 

BA, American Studies, The University of Texas San Antonio 
MFA, Poetry, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 

Website: joreyesboitel.com

Creative Publications

Michael + Josephine, FlowerSong Press, 2019

mouth, Neon Hemlock Press, 2021

the matchstick litanies, New Page Press, 2023

the impracticality of silk, Gnashing Teeth Publishing, 2024


she wears bells: reimagining Coyolxāuhqui’s story for a hybrid opera using Anzaldúa’s Seven Stages of Conocimiento [play and librettist’s notes]”, El Mundo Zurdo conference anthology, 2024.


PhD in Literature
Email: jo.reyes@ttu.edu