Tiffani Tijerina
Website: https://www.tiffanitijerina.com
- Ph.D. Technical Communication and Rhetoric, Texas Tech University, ABD (2019-present,
expected 2024)
- Dissertation [Working Title]: Open Educational Resources in Technical and Professional Communication: Identifying, Overcoming, and Removing Barriers to Creation, Adoption, and Sustainability
- Concentration: Teaching Technical Communication
- Specialty: Open Education, Open Pedagogy
- M.S. Instructional Design and Technology, Georgia State University (2014-2016)
- B.A. English, Kennesaw State University (2010-2014)
Teaching & Experience
- Instructor of Technical Communication, Department of Technical Communication and Interactive Design, Kennesaw State University (8/2017-5/2020, 8/2022-present)
- Instructor of Technical Writing, Department of English, Texas Tech University (8/2020-present)
- Program Manager, Affordable Learning Georgia, University System of Georgia (2/2020-6/2022)
- Steering Committee Member, Open Education Conference (3/2020-12/2021)
- Instructional Designer, College of Humanities and Social Sciences Office of Digital Education, Kennesaw State University (5/2015-1/2020)
- Tijerina, T. & Powell, T. (2024). Instructional Design Basics: A Primer for Technical Communicators. OpenALG. Forthcoming Summer 2024.
- Tijerina, T. (editor). (2024). Pedagogy Opened: Innovative Theory and Practice. University of North Georgia Press.
- Tijerina, T. (2023). ‘But who really pays when its free?: Debunking publisher claims about OER in writing courses. Communication Design Quarterly 11(4), 45-48. DOI: 10.1145/3592378.3592381
- Tijerina, T. (2023). Fostering student agency through ungrading: Project- and portfolio-based methods and cases. Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education 2(1). DOI: 10.13001/joerhe.v2i1.7847
- Tijerina, T. & Arnett, E. J. (2023). Perspectives from a departmental adoption of an open technical communication textbook. Programmatic Perspectives 14(1), p. 131-164.
- Gallant, J. & Tijerina, T. (2022). Advisory Model for Open Education in Promotion and Tenure Processes. OpenALG.
- Newell, J. R.; Bartlett, S.; Mixson-Brookshire, D.; Moore, J.; Powell, T.; Lee, S.; Tijerina, T.; Milam, B.; Snider, L.; & Cochran, J. (2021). Time-efficient techniques for improving student and instructor success in online courses. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems 14(1-2), p. 193-2017.
- Tijerina, T. & Gallant, J. (2021). OER Accessibility Series and Rubric. OpenALG.
- Tijerina, T.; Powell, T.; Arnett, J.; Logan, M.; & Race, C. (2020, 2015). Open Technical Communication (originally Sexy Technical Communication). OpenALG.
- Reardon, T. (2018). Breaking the stigma: Faculty and student perceptions and experiences with OER. Open Education Global Conference Annual Proceedings.
- Reardon, T. (2016). Open educational resources: A cost and copyright analysis. Distance Learning Administration Conference Annual Proceedings, p. 199-201.
- Thomas, G.; Slinger-Friedman, V.; Randall, C.; Aust, P.; Terantino, J.; Powell, T.; & Reardon, T. (2015). Advanced faculty professional development for online course building: An action research project. Internet Learning Journal 4(2), p. 103-118.
Selected Grants & Awards
- Selected Affordable Learning Georgia Affordable Materials Grants:
- TCOM 2010: Technical Writing, TCOM 3030: Instructional Design, and WRIT 3140: Workplace Writing. $5,400, for Open TC (2023)
- ENGL 1102: Composition II. $27,000 (2022)
- ENGL 1101: Composition I. $10,000 (2022)
- TCOM 2010: Technical Writing. $25,800, for Open TC (2019)
- TCOM 2010: Technical Writing and TCOM 2050: Digital Accessibility. $4,800, for Open TC (2019)
- TCOM 2010: Technical Writing and WRIT 3140: Workplace Writing. $4,800, for Open TC (2018)
- ENGL 1101: Composition I and ENGL 1102: Composition II. $30,000 (2017)
- TCOM 2010: Technical Writing and WRIT 3140: Workplace Writing. $30,000, for Open TC (2015)
- Open Education Fellowship, Open Education Group (2023-2024)
- Kairos Graduate Student and Adjunct Award for Teaching (2023)
- Susan & Eric Stotzer Scholarship (2022, 2023)
- OE Global Award for Excellence, Open Reuse/Remix/Adaptation, for Open TC (2022)
- Love of Learning Award, Phi Kappa Phi (2022)
- Outstanding Instructional Support, Wagner Awards, Distance Learning Administration (2016)
- Outstanding M.S. Student, College of Education and Human Development, Learning Technologies Division, Georgia State University (2016)
- Excellence in Faculty Development for Online Teaching, Online Learning Consortium (2015)
PhD in Technical Communication & Rhetoric
Email: tiffani.tijerina@ttu.edu
Department of English
P.O. Box 43091 Lubbock, TX 79409-3091 -
806.742.2501 -