Carter Arrott
Carter Arrott is a second-year student at Texas Tech University, double majoring in
Personal Financial Planning and Management. He hails from the small town of Ballinger,
Texas which sits comfortably between San Angelo and Abilene. During his time at Texas
Tech, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership and involvement across various campus
domains. In the capacity of the Student Government Association, Carter served as the
Head Chairman of the Budget and Finance committee, College of Human Sciences Senator,
and originally with the First Year Leadership Association. Within the Greek life community,
Carter is a member of Beta Theta Pi and serves the Interfraternity Council as the
Vice President of Philanthropy. He recruits potential Red Raider students and athletes
through President's Select. He is also a member of the Scovell Business Leadership
Program, where he gains international industry insights and a professional mentor.
As External Vice President, he will work to create a furthered union between the city
of Lubbock and Texas Tech University all the while maximizing your success and experience.

Student Government Association
Room 302, Student Union, Box 42032, Lubbock, TX 79409-2032 -
806.742.3631 -