Texas Tech University

Josh Adamek

Second Year Senator

Email: joadamek@ttu.edu

Josh Adamek is a third year dual major in political science with minors in economics and history and honors sciences in the humanities with concentrations in philosophy, politics, economics, and law. Josh is from Boerne, TX where he played varsity basketball and graduated in the top 5% of students at Boerne High School. During his time at Texas Tech, Josh has served as Vice President of First Year Leadership Association, an Arts and Sciences Senator, an ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences, a Mortar Board member, and an Honors First Year Experience mentor. After graduating from Texas Tech, Josh will pursue a law degree.

Josh Adamek


Boerne, TX

Why They Chose Texas Tech

His parents are both red raiders so he was dressed in Tech clothes since he was born, however, when he toured he truly recognized the kindness and opportunities Texas Tech offers.