Texas Tech University

Architecture in Nonwestern Societies

Arch 4311 · Instructor: Joseph Aranha

The course provides an understanding of the relationships of culture and architecture in nonwestern (non European influenced) societies and is open to anyone with an interest in architecture. In many nonwestern cultures, traditional architecture is a visual language that gives formal expression to complex ideas about universal order, religious beliefs, cultural values and social organization. To the casual observer, these environments may appear to be haphazard and disorderly collections of buildings and spaces.

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Environmental Analysis & Site Planning

Arch 3373 · Instructor: Victoria McReynolds

During this semester we will explore the environment as an architectural design challenge. This lecture course combines standard architectural siting practices with innovate project examples in effort to develop design sensibilities that are resilient to increasingly unusual environment challenges. Our approach to site and the greater environment is one of an ongoing, integrative, system of relationships with architecture. Themes addressing terrain, culture, atmosphere, and hydrology will demonstrate how the simple notion of “site as a place on which building sits” ignores a wealth of design opportunity for healthy sustainable solutions. These course themes reinforce site as a dynamic ecology of influencing factors. Architecture therefore is a construction of ideas and materials situated within a changing context. With a focus towards the most vulnerable sites and environments, we will analyze terms and definitions, consider concepts and conditions, explore methods and case studies, and become familiar with industry standards and tools for designing site.

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