Texas Tech University

Wai Yim

Actor | Director | Choreographer | Playwright
Originally from Hong Kong, Wai (He/They) is an actor, director, choreographer, and playwright. He is also the Managing Director for Token Theatre in Chicago. He recently appeared in Mary Zimmerman's The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci at the Old Globe, Shakespeare Theatre Company, and the Goodman Theatre.

Chicago credits: A Christmas Carol, The White Snake, The King of Hell's Palace, Postnation, King of the Yees (Goodman Theatre); Chimerica (TimeLine Theatre); ZAC EFRON (Token Theatre).

Regional credits: Mary Zimmerman's The White Snake (The Old Globe, McCarter Theatre, Wuzhen Theatre Festival in China); The Oldest Boy (Unicorn Theatre); Nomad Motel (Horizon Theatre Company).

Film: North of the 10, Fatal Influence: Like, Follow, Survive.

TV: Work in Progress, The Chi, Power Book IV: Force, neXt, Chicago PD, Patriot.

His semi-autobiographical play The Emperor and The Fool (Chronicles of the House of Yim) has been workshopped at BLUEBARN Theatre in Omaha, NE, and won the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards for Best New Local Script.
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