Texas Tech University

TTU Dance students performing on stage with dark blue lights in the background

School of Theatre & Dance
Master of Arts
Dance Studies

M.A. in Dance Studies

The online Master of Arts in Dance Studies at Texas Tech University is to prepare the dance educator, scholar, and artist. This program offers investigation into a range of disciplinary practices and includes in-depth study of dance histories, arts advocacy, pedagogies, and critical reading and writing. Students also investigate movement practices in the contexts of choreography, collaboration, and anatomy and kinesiology.

The MA in Dance Studies is distinguished by its practical two-year, online format and its comprehensive, innovative approach to expanding knowledge and collaboration in a supportive cohort model. Our graduate students come to study with us from every corner of the country, and represent a diverse representation of career path, dance expertise, and interest, making your educational experience a simultaneous-and invaluable-networking opportunity. During your time in the MA in Dance Studies program, Texas Tech University offers competitive graduate fellowship funding for incoming students as well as paid research assistantship opportunities to work individually with faculty members on a project basis. Graduate students in the Dance Studies MA program are eligible for annual travel funding for conference presentations or other research and learning purposes. In 2024, the School of Theatre and Dance began supporting Dance students to travel to the National Dance Education Organization conference. Our faculty boast award-winning publications, presentations, teaching, and choreography, and maintain international and national reputations for their scholarly and creative research.

What Sets Us Apart

The M.A. in Dance Studies degree is only one of three of its kind in the US, known for its emphasis into interdisciplinary research mentorship and activity. Faculty from all artistic disciplines (with significant scholarly and artistic areas of specialty) work to expand professional networks across multiple cohorts; and the program, with a curriculum geared towards people working full-time in dance and arts education, is easily accessible through mostly summer and online courses.


Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD)

Program Highlights

The objective of the online Master of Arts in Dance Studies at Texas Tech University is to prepare the dance educator and scholar. This program offers investigation into a range of disciplinary practices and includes in-depth study of dance histories, arts advocacy, pedagogies, and critical reading and writing. Students also investigate movement practices in the contexts of choreography, anatomy and kinesiology, somatic practices, and community engagement and collaboration.

  • Small cohort to accommodate individual mentorship from faculty
  • Online program geared specifically to meet the needs of working professionals in dance and arts education
  • Opportunities for paid research experiences for graduate students
  • Opportunities to collaborate with faculty on research and publication
  • Opportunities to present work at international and national academic dance conferences, such as the National Dance Education Organization, World Dance Alliance, and the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science


TTU Dance faculty member, Katrina Soricelli performing with Flatlands Dance Theatre in collaboration with the Schools of Theatre and Dance and Music; lighting by John Conner; photography by Melissa PihosMA in Dance Studies faculty members, Ali Duffy and Allison Beaty, presenting at the National Dance Education Organization conferenceStudents Hallie Anderson and Jadyn Owen in screendance by Ali Duffy; photography still by Andrew InaTTU Dance student Khushee Hegde; lighting by John Conner; photography by Sarah Estrada



Every year, faculty members teaching in the M.A. in Dance Studies program offer students paid research experiences, opportunities to collaborate with faculty on research and publication, and opportunities to present their work at international and national academic dance conferences such as the National Dance Education Organization, World Dance Alliance, and the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science. Students in the M.A. in Dance Studies program also have opportunities to gain postsecondary teaching experience through mentorship experiences.

Facilities & Technology

Creative Movement Studio

Theatre & Dance classroom & studio space

Theatre & Dance Complex

Part of Phase I renovation of the Charles E. Maedgen Jr. Theatre


The CH Foundation/The Legacy of Christine DeVitt Black Box Theatre



Apply Now

Apply through the Texas Tech Graduate School Application Portal

  • Accepting applications for Summer 2025 cohort

  • Application Portal Open: October 1, 2024-January 1, 2025

For more information, please see our Theatre & Dance Graduate Admissions Page or contact the Graduate Dance Advisor, Dr. Ali Duffy.


  1. Undergraduate degree transcript(s)

  2. Provide all required supplemental items:

    1. Two letters of recommendation, preferably from faculty and artists in dance

    2. CV/Resume

    3. Payment of required application fee

  3. Academic writing sample of 5-10 pages

  4. Statement of purpose for graduate studies in dance:

    1. Elaborate on your academic, artistic, and/or professional interests and goals specific to this program

    2. Briefly describe the aspects of your background relevant to your interest. This could include your undergraduate studies, previous graduate study, and/or professional work. 

Tuition Estimator

Online Learning

Our graduate degree is entirely online, geared specifically to meet the needs of working professionals in dance and arts education.

Higher Program Offering

Students completing the M.A. in Dance Studies program are strong candidates for future admission into Texas Tech University's unique interdisciplinary Ph.D. program. 



Advocacy & Collaboration  
Applied Anatomy & Movement Analysis 
Applied Somatics  
Choreography: Practices & Perspectives 
Critical Inquiry 
Dance Histories I 
Dance Histories II 
Dance in Communities  
Practical Issues in Dance Pedagogy  
Qualitative Research Methodologies  
Thesis Project Proposal 
Thesis Project Presentation 

Online Catalog Information

Alumni Success & Careers

Past Graduate Accomplishments

  • Kristi Franks received the Doug Risner Prize for Emerging Researcher (2023) and her thesis research was adapted into an article and published in the Journal of Dance Education. She is a professor of dance at Tyler Junior Community College.
  • Isabella Alaniz (Gonzales) received Teacher of the Year at Meadows ISD, where she teaches second-grade, and published a book chapter in Futures of Performance: The Responsibilities of Performing Arts in Higher Education (Routledge, 2023)
  • Lauren Biediger was recently accepted into Texas Woman’s University’s doctoral program and she spent the summer of 2023 in Europe expanding her thesis study of Alsatian dance.
  • Courtney Ferguson directs the dance program at Frenship High School and was recently awarded Best Choreography for RENT (Wallace Theatre) from Broadway World Dallas.
  • Destanie Davidson published a book chapter in Futures of Performance: The Responsibilities of Performing Arts in Higher Education (Routledge, 2023).

Career Possibilities

This program prepares students to:

  • engage in rigorous investigation of dance in diverse artistic, cultural, and educational contexts
  • synthesize and demonstrate the creative, physical, and intellectual skills needed to research, write about, discuss, teach, and practice dance at the graduate level
  • distinguish and analyze individual areas of interest relative to the student's professional goals in the form of a thesis project

Abbie Bugh


Contact your Advisor

With questions concerning graduate admissions and portfolio reviews.

Abigail Wright
Graduate Admissions Coordinator

M.A. in Dance Studies Faculty