Academic Probation & Suspension
If a student's cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, they will be placed on academic probation.
The student has two consecutive semesters to raise their cumulative GPA to a 3.0.
If the student's term GPA is below 3.0 while on probation, the student is subject
to suspension. A student placed on suspension will be required to remain out of Graduate
School for one semester, and will need to reapply to the program. If a student is
suspended two times they will not be allowed to return to Graduate School.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all course meetings and stay for the entire class duration. In exceptional circumstances in which absence is unavoidable (e.g., serious illness, death in the family), students should notify the instructor and the Graduate & Professional Programs office, prior to the absence. Students may be requested to provide documentation of the event, and make alternative arrangements with the course instructor. Students who fail to attend scheduled class meetings may be required to repeat the course.
Grades of Incomplete
Students who cannot complete a course, due to extraordinary events, may request a grade of Incomplete. A "Grade of Incomplete Form" must be submitted by the student and approved by your professor prior to the ending date of the course. Requests are granted at the discretion of the instructor. If a student cannot meet the program's deadline to clear an incomplete grade, the student must request an extension from the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs. Failure to meet specified deadlines will result in a grade of "F".
Credit is granted only for courses completed with grades of A, B, or C. Grades of D and F are used in computing grade point averages. A plus or a minus added to a grade will be entered on the transcript, but will not be used in calculating grade point average. A grade of "CR" indicates the course extends past the grading period for that semester. Students are required to have a minimum 3.00 GPA in order to graduate. Grades are posted on the "MyTech" tab of the Raiderlink portal. Professors will post grades by the final due date indicated on the Academic calendar.
Late Assignments
It is the student's responsibility to request an extension if a situation arises that prevents completion of any assignment by the due date. Late assignments may be subject to a grade reduction at the instructor's discretion. Failure to submit assignments by the last date during the term, as designated by the instructor, may result in an "F" for that assignment.
Transfer Credits & Distance Courses
Up to six hours of graduate credit from an AACSB accredited institution may transfer. Must have a B or above, and the course must have content comparable to that offered by Texas Tech. Final approval of transfer credit is made at the discretion of the graduate dean and must be secured prior to entering the program.
For detailed policy information, visit the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.
Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business, Box 42101, 703 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3188 -