Poets&Quants for Undergrads named Rawls College as one of its best undergraduate business schools for 2021.
On January 12, Poets&Quants for Undergrads revealed its "Best Undergraduate Business Schools" ranking list for 2021. The Jerry S. Rawls College of Business saw its ranking move up eight spots from 2020, coming in as the No. 73 best business school for 2021.
Poets&Quants compiled their rankings based on a combination of school-reported data and completed surveys from 6,183 alumni across 93 universities. The ranking is based on three equally weighted qualifications: admissions standards, academic experience and employment outcomes.
Of the three categories, Rawls College was ranked highest for academic experience, coming in at No. 50.
For the academic-experience ranking, Poets&Quants reached out to recent graduates of the 93 ranked business programs. Graduates were given a 16-question survey in which they rated their level of satisfaction of their academic experience on a one-to-ten scale. Poets&Quants also asked graduates if they had a "significant experience," which Poets&Quants defined as a major consulting project, thesis, or other program feature instrumental to the students' professional development or a meaningful global immersion. Lastly, recent graduates were asked if their first job after graduation was in their desired industries.
Rawls College ranked No. 78 for admissions standards and No. 76 for employment outcomes.
To determine the admissions-standards ranking, Poets&Quants considered the average SAT scores of the latest incoming class; the percentage of the graduating class of 2018 who finished in the top 10% of their high school class; and the acceptance rate for the business school program.
To determine the final ranking, employment outcomes, Poets&Quants considered the percentage of the latest graduating class to gain jobs within 90 days of graduating; the average salary and bonus for the latest graduating class; and the percentage of the Class of 2020 that had internships before their senior year.
Learn more about the degree programs offered at Rawls College and read more detail about Poets&Quants' methodology for their rankings list.