Siavash Rashidi-Sabet was selected as one of six recipients of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Review / Sheth Foundation Doctoral Competition for Conceptual Articles awards.
Siavash Rashidi-Sabet, a doctoral student in the area of marketing at Texas Tech University's Jerry S. Rawls College of Business, has been selected as one of six winners of the 2021 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Review / Sheth Foundation Doctoral Competition for Conceptual Articles awards. This is the second year in a row that a doctoral student from Rawls College has received the prestigious award, which was established to encourage, support and celebrate the conceptual contributions made by doctoral students to marketing literature.
As part of the competition, Rashidi-Sabet and other competing doctoral students aimed to advance theory development in the marketing discipline by identifying and researching impactful conceptual ideas. Students were mentored by leading marketing scholars who provided feedback to enhance their conceptual contributions.
Rashidi-Sabet's paper, which was co-authored by Area Coordinator and Alumni Professor of Marketing Sreedhar Madhavaram, was selected from a competitive international pool of 41 submissions from across the globe. Titled " Marketing solutions for social dilemmas: a systematic review, taxonomy of marketing solutions, and research agenda," the paper utilizes the research developed in sociology, psychology, economics, political science, and management, to address the following research questions: (1) What are the distinct characteristics of social dilemmas? (2) What are the implications of research on different social dilemmas for marketing? (3) What are the different taxonomies of solutions for social dilemmas and their relevance for marketing? And (4) What role can marketing play in resolving particular social dilemmas?
"While social dilemmas related to the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, social media, and diversity and inclusion are formidable foes to the society, this paper is among the first to demonstrate that marketing has tremendous potential in addressing social dilemmas, therefore benefiting society," said Rashidi-Sabet.
As part of the process, Rashidi-Sabet's submission was reviewed by a set of internationally esteemed marketing scholars who provided constructive reviews on how to improve the manuscript for eventual publication. As a winner, Rashidi-Sabet will have an additional opportunity to further enhance his research through one-on-one mentorship with a competition co-chair.
"I am sincerely honored and humbled that our research is recognized with the 2021 Annual Doctoral Competition for Conceptual Articles (ADCCA) award," said Rashidi-Sabet. "I believe that the opportunity to attend mentoring sessions with the co-chairs of the doctoral competition and other senior marketing scholars will help me grow as a scholar who can develop impactful marketing theory."
Rashidi-Sabet will be recognized and invited to present at the next annual AMS Conference, which will be held virtually June 2-4, 2021.