Texas Tech University

Andrea Bilkey, M.F.A.

Associate Dean for Students & Curricula | Associate Professor | Lighting Design
College Administration

Email: andrea.bilkey@ttu.edu

Phone: 806-834-0552

Office:Maedgen Theatre 118C

Designer, associate professor, and associate dean for students & curricula in the J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts, Andrea Bilkey has spent over 40 years in the performing arts exploring almost every aspect including: backstage work, acting, singing, dancing, and as a violinist for several years with the greater twin cities youth symphonies in Minneapolis, before focusing primarily in the areas of stage design in the early 1990's. Between her undergraduate and graduate studies in theatre arts she completed an electrics internship at The Juilliard School, freelanced in regional and educational theatre, and worked for the industry, first at Secoa and then at John S. Hyatt and Associates. As a designer and technician, she has worked in various capacities at Chanhassen Dinner Theatres, Madison Rep, Opera Grand Rapids, Madcap Children's Theatre, Northstar Opera Company, the Canadian Arts Alliance, and for a variety of community theatre companies as well as designing for charitable fundraising events.

Bilkey's teaching focus and creative endeavors include design for the stage, computer drafting and design, theatre planning, technology in the classroom, technology in the design communication process, and capturing live performance through photography. Additional research interests also include the history of theatre lighting. She has been an active participant in the Stage Lighting Archives Working Group at the Pennsylvania State University, participated in two grant supported research trips to their archives, and later took a faculty development leave for a deeper exploration into the history of lighting.

Recognitions her work has garnered include USITT's Young Designer's Forum, ETC's LDI student sponsorship program, Southwest Theatre Association First Place in the field of Lighting Design, KCACTF Region III Meritorious achievement award for Lighting Design, and KCACTF Region VI Meritorious award for Lighting Design. She has contributed to iSquint.net, has had her design work published in World Stage Design and the Theatre Design & Technology journal (TD&T), and has articles and reviews published in TD&T before serving a term as a general editor.

Andrea Bilkey is an active member with the United States Institute for Theatre Technology's Lighting Commission, serving previously in consecutive terms as Vice-Commissioner for Communications, Vice-Commissioner for Programming, and Vice-Commissioner for Lighting History.

Bilkey is a fellow of the Texas Academic Leadership Academy, Vice-Chair of the History & Heritage committee for USITT and served on the Board of Directors for USITT.

Bilkey joined the Department of Theatre & Dance at Texas Tech University in 2002 and joined the College in 2019.

Andrea Bilkey's Portfolio

Andrea Bilkey

Degrees Held:

MFA University of Wisconsin, Madison

BS Mankato State University