Texas Tech University

Plays Announced for RROAPS/RRADS 2019

Alec Williams

November 27, 2018

Congratulations to the Playwrights, Directors, Dramaturgs, and Choreographer selected for RROAPS/RRADS 2019!

Raider Red's One-Act Play Spectacular/Raider Red's Awesome Dance Spectacular 2019 will perform April 1-6, 2019 at the Creative Movement Studio. 

ON A STRING by LyaNisha Gonzalez
Director: Dayday Robinson
Dramaturg: Chris Ruiz
Choreographer: Tiara Scarlett

This story is about the journey of remembering, of connecting to the inner self and its strengths to survive the many indignities and slights one is forced to endure living as a Black woman or person of color in America.

Director: Lydia McBee Reed
Dramaturg: Lindsay Rigney
Choreographer: Hannah Hauessler

From the furthest reaches of space come the out-of-this-world adventures of Captain Bolt. No conquest is too large, no alien woman too unattainable for this hero of heroes.

OUTBOUND by Garret Milton
Director: Cole Wimpee
Dramaturg: Dillon Rouse
Choreographer: Shawnee Swann

Two young friends contemplate life and death in a train yard. A short play about memory, the failures and frustrations of expressing vulnerability, and what makes us run.

SCABIES by Michael Moriearty
Director: Cory Lawson
Dramaturg: Allison Roberts
Choreographer: Sulma Benetiz

Scabies follows the struggles of a young homeless woman whose fiancé has been stolen from her by a sinister, inscrutable alien presence. She fights against the temptation to give in and conform to the evil force herself and be reunited with the man she loves.

CUB by Jessica Smith
Director: Hillary Boyd
Dramaturg: Emme Schooler
Choreographer: Courtney Rickel

Cub traces the rapid escalation and demise of a romantic relationship, exploring the ways in which power dynamics are established early and calcify quickly. The play charts how a person can slowly subjugate him or herself to an abusive partner, and the long shadow that trauma can cast on a life.