Texas Tech University

Logo for Texas Tech Institute for Leadership Research

Professional Development

In conjunction with Rawls College's Area of Management, the Institute for Leadership Research (ILR) has established numerous professional development programs focused on team building through practical business application and individual leadership skills.

Emerging Leaders Workshop

  • Provides an ideal and practical learning experience for current high-performing individual contributors and potential future leaders
  • Reinforces theoretical concepts, while focusing on practical applications to develop a broader vision for company success
  • Includes topics such as effective and productive communications, positive and professional relationship and team building, purpose alignment, cultural competence, supporting change, and resolving conflict

Leadership Development Boot Camp

  • Provides strategic and practical learning experiences for mid-level managers currently leading functional teams
  • Incorporates complex training modules, practical applications, and assessments for organizational collaboration, decision making and performance
  • Includes topics such as self-awareness, team building, innovational strategic planning, decision theory, conflict negotiation, coaching and counseling

Assessment, Feedback & Coaching Session

  • Integrates validated, web-based assessment tools with results analyses and expert coaching to provide insight about personality, behaviors, preferences, and development needs from internal and external perspectives
  • Explores the correlation between assessment findings and how they contribute to decision making, collaboration, innovation and change
  • Provides techniques to identify barriers, construct approaches to overcome the constraints and build a program leading to effective leadership

Critical Curriculum Success Objectives

We recognize that every organization is unique and experiences different growth and leadership advancement challenges. Therefore, our experts carefully analyze the unique needs of each client organization, and we specifically customize curriculum to meet each one's stated objectives using the Critical Curriculum Success Objectives.

A common leadership competency platform

We recognize that current and future leaders have competency sets that are often grounded in their heritage organizational perspectives. Achieving goals requires individuals to align leadership development to common core competencies. Through our "one Company" approach, competencies such as business acumen, strategic focus, innovative approaches, agile execution, and continuous improvement thinking are reinforced.

A common language of leadership

We believe through common development practices, shared experiences, and increased cross-organizational collaboration a common leadership language will emerge. This leadership language will be grounded in the “best of all worlds.” We desire to create a solid foundation for this emergence through maximizing opportunities for open/frequent participation, discussions, cases, and activities that draw out heritage and experiences that lead to collaborative results.

Preparing to lead organizations

We know that as size and scale increase, leadership becomes more complex. What works to deliver outstanding results in a smaller organization, may not be effective in a larger one. To create a shared understanding of this need, leaders must understand how to model empowerment behaviors, create measurable and actionable key performance indicators, garner support for meaningful, yet challenging, goals, and become effective at monitoring and delivering results.

Successfully developing individuals and teams

We promote an organizational culture deeply rooted in values alignment, which is reinforced by leaders modeling these values on a daily basis. Because people are the core of every business, we aspire to create environments where leaders continuously develop high performing teams, regularly provide effective feedback, coach for improved performance, and invest in developing individuals.


Customized Professional Development

Contact William L. Gardner for more information about customized professional development opportunities for your organization.