Texas Tech University


Health Organization Management Concentration

When enrolled in the Professional MBA program, you have the opportunity to customize your academic experience by choosing a concentration. The Health Organization Management concentration will advance your knowledge of emerging healthcare trends and help you effectively manage healthcare organizations.

Professional MBA Health Organization Management

required courses


Alongside the Professional MBA curriculum, the Health Organization Management concentration requires two or more of the following courses:

Introduction to Healthcare Systems - HOM 5306

3 Semester Credit Hours

Examines the management of healthcare organizations, including issues pertaining to human resources, financing, organizational design, law, and the organization’s role in a rapidly changing environment.

Managing Healthcare Organizations - HOM 5307

3 Semester Credit Hours

Examines the management of healthcare organizations, including issues pertaining to human resources, financing, organizational design, law, and the organization’s role in a rapidly changing environment.

Healthcare Operations Management and Quality - HOM 5308

3 Semester Credit Hours

A study and application of healthcare operations management and quality tools emphasizing systems improvements through the use of information technology and quantitative methods.


student resources



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