Texas Tech University

Sexual Assault Prevention

Prevention & Consent

TTU defines consent as mutually understandable words or actions, actively communicated both knowingly and voluntarily, that clearly convey permission for a specific activity. Consent can be revoked at any time verbally or nonverbally by clearly communicating to the other partner. For more information, read more about consent.

Sexual violence can include sexual harassment, sexual assault (including rape), domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and stalking. Our prevention efforts begin by engaging our community. You can make a difference by understanding healthy relationships, educating yourself and others on consent and sexual health, and supporting those impacted by sexual violence

Tips for Giving and Receiving Consent:

  • Always make sure you have a clear and enthusiastic yes.
  • The absence of no does not indicate consent.
  • People incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent.
  • Consent cannot be given if a person is compelled or coerced.
  • Practice being assertive about whether you want to have sex or not.
  • Consent is ongoing and is needed for each intimate behavior, every time.

All participants: 

  • Must clearly express consent, either verbally or through their actions.
  • Are voluntary, active, and communicative.
  • Have the legal capacity to engage.
  • Are not incapacitated to drugs, alcohol, asleep, or in any other state of mental/physical incapacitation.
  • Must be of age to give consent.  
What if Something Happens to Me or a Friend?

Seek medical help. You have the most options if you seek help within the first 96 hours.

Need someone to talk to? Contact the Title IX Case Manager, Dr. Kimberly Simon by visiting the Student Union Building Suite 232, emailing kimberly.simon@ttu.edu,  or calling (806) 834-1949. You can also call the TTU Crisis HelpLine at (806) 742-5555 or text HELLO to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

Considering filing a report? Students have several options, and Title IX offers various supportive measures. Visit the Title IX website to review your options. You can also pursue a criminal investigation through the TTU Police Department. You can choose to file one, both, or none at all.

Resources are still available to you, even if you decide not to file a report.

Reporting an Incident

If you or someone you know has been the victim of misconduct such as sexual assault, interpersonal violence, stalking, or harassment, know that you are not alone, and we are here to help. Texas Tech provides resources to students, faculty, and staff, regardless of a decision to pursue a formal investigation.

The university is committed to walking you through the process and assisting with your needs. Visit TTU Title IX for more information, or file a report

Reporting FAQ

What is a mandatory reporter or responsible employee? What does that mean for me?

A mandatory reporter or responsible employee is any TTU employee (including student staff), with the exception of health providers (e.g., doctors at the Wellness Center), counseling professionals (e.g., counselors at the Student Counseling Center, Family Therapy Clinic, or Psychology Clinic), or clergy members functioning in their clergy role. 

A mandatory reporter is tasked with putting students, faculty, and staff in touch with appropriate resources after they've been made aware that an incident has occurred. Incidents included in mandatory reporting include sexual misconduct, interpersonal violence, and stalking. These employees are required to contact a designated person (e.g., a Title IX staff member) about the incident with the intention of providing support and resources to the individual. It's important to note that just because Title IX is notified, you are not required to pursue an investigation. The Title IX staff member will put you in contact with resources and will be as involved you like. You are free to refuse all contact with the Title IX staff member if you choose.

For more information about your duties as a TTU employee, visit the Mandatory Reporting information site for TTU employees.

What's the difference between "confidential" and "anonymous" reporting?

"Confidential" reporting is limited to a very small group of individuals at the University. This group is exempt from mandatory reporter requirements listed above. Some of these individuals who are exempt from mandatory reporter requirements include health providers (e.g., doctors at the Wellness Center), counseling professionals (e.g., counselors at the Student Counseling Center, Family Therapy Clinic, Psychology Clinic), and clergy members. Confidential sources will not make any Title IX reports on your behalf unless you ask them to. While they can provide excellent physical, mental, and spiritual health resources, they are not required to arrange University resources and services. They can, however, put you in touch with CARE coordinators within the Office for Student Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct to access these services. You do not have to initiate an investigation in order to access University resources.

"Anonymous" reporting can be thought of as a Jane/John Doe report. An official report of an incident can be made online, but you can elect to not have your name/identifying information tied to the report. If you wish to access resources without pursuing an investigation, you must file a report with your name and contact information, so a staff member can get in touch with you to help. If you wish to pursue an investigation, your name must be used in conjunction with the case.

Please note that whether a report is "confidential" or "anonymous," it remains private. Only the investigator and essential staff members will know of the report. Your privacy is important, and the University will not share your information with other parties. This also includes parents and/or guardians as they will not be notified of a filed complaint.

If I make a report, do I have to proceed with an investigation?

Absolutely not. You can choose how you would like to proceed with your case. You can file a completely anonymous online report, report for resources/support, pursue an investigation with TTU, or pursue a criminal investigation with either TTU or Lubbock Police (depending on the jurisdiction).

The only exception to this question is if the individual you file a report about is determined to be a continuing threat to campus. This may be someone who has a previous history of reports, someone who practices predatory behavior, or someone who has engaged in other violent behavior. You may still decide your level of participation in the investigation. You are not compelled to participate just because the university investigates the case.

What if I need resources/assistance, but don't want to make a formal report?

File a report and state that in the report. You can share as much or as little information as you would like, and CARE Coordinators in the Office for Student Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct will reach out to you to offer resources and support.

What can Texas Tech do if someone is found responsible?

Texas Tech does not conduct criminal investigations but rather investigations to determine if the Student Code of Conduct was violated. These investigations rely on a "preponderance of evidence," meaning it is more likely than not that a violation occurred. For more information about this process, visit Title IX or the Title IX Process Flow Chart

Intervening in a Potential Instance of Sexual Misconduct

If you see something, say something. TTU is committed to upholding a community of active bystanders.

If you see somebody who is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, they are unable to give consent. Intervene to make sure they are not being taken advantage of, and never leave a drunk friend alone.

If you see others engaging in disrespectful or inappropriate actions, speak up, step up, get involved, or contact someone else to assist.

Individuals who devalue people, sex, and discriminate other genders, are very likely to commit these acts. Confront these negative attitudes in a clear, non-aggressive manner. Do not be a passive bystander to others' illegal or unsafe behaviors.

Sexual assault is most likely to be committed by an intimate partner, friend, or acquaintance. These types of assaults are the least likely to be reported. If you see something unusual or unsafe, call the police immediately.

How to Support a Survivor
  • Believe them. You may be the first and only person the survivor tells. If they don't have a supportive response, it can deter them from seeking help. Validate their feelings and experience.
  • Listen to hear, not respond. It's not your responsibility to get all the details of what happened to them, or ask personal questions. Be empathetic and nonjudgmental.
  • Ask how you can support them. Survivors typically need control and support. Ask the person what they might need. Confirm your willingness to help them through the process as little or as much as they need. Respect their decisions and needs. Refer survivor to resources and encourage them to get help.
  • Check in and provide ongoing support. This event could have happened a long time ago, but it doesn't mean the pain is gone. Help the survivor understand you care about their well-being.
  • Self-care. Helping others in need can be difficult; remember to check in with yourself to stay mentally healthy. If you're feeling overwhelmed don't be afraid to reach out to a counselor, staff member, mentor, adviser, or RISE.
Texas Tech Resources
TTU Title IX Provides supportive measures and resources, academic support, housing assistance, medical and counseling services, parking assistance, and a safety plan after an incident occurs.
Student Counseling Center Licensed mental health care providers offer individual, couple, and group counseling, or students can independently care for themselves at the MindSpa.
Family Therapy Clinic Provides affordable therapy to individuals, couples, and families. Offers caring and confidential therapeutic services to address a wide range of issues.
Community Resources
Voice of Hope Rape Crisis Center Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, counseling services, and assistance for sexual assault victims and non-offending family members and friends affected by the trauma of sexual assault/sex trafficking. Crisis Hotline: 806-763-RAPE.
Women's Protective Services Offers a 24-hour crisis hotline, shelter, individual and group therapy, support groups, and assistance and advocacy for women, men, and children who have experienced domestic violence.
UMC Emergency Room Confidential emergency health care close to campus. Offers forensic (SANE) exams within 96 hours of an assault.
Covenant Emergency Room Confidential emergency health care close to campus. Offers forensic (SANE) exams within 96 hours of assault.
National Resources
National Domestic Violence Hotline Text START to 88788 or call 1-800-799-SAFE to receive essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic abuse.
National Sexual Assault Hotline 24/7/365 hotline that serves people affected by sexual violence. Call 800-656-4673 to be connected to a trained staff from a sexual assault service provider in your area.
One Love Foundation Empowers students with tools and resources to see the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
 Love is Respect Offers support, information, and advocacy to young people in need, and concerned friends and family who have questions to prevent or end abusive relationships.
Stalking Resource Center Provides crisis intervention, information, and support to individuals who experience stalking.
Sexual Assault Support & Help for Americans Abroad Center Provides sexual assault support and response to Americans overseas. Call 833-723-3833 for support.