As an advertiser, knowing the most effective strategy for influencing your audience is vital to making the most of your message. The development and implementation of advertising elements is often time consuming and expensive. So thoughtful consideration for every element of this process is extremely important to the success of any advertising campaign. College of Media & Communication researchers study almost every aspect of this process, from evaluating the right message for the right audience to determining the right channel to disseminate that message. This type of research can guide advertising practitioners in their work and lead to more effective use of their time and money.
Scarcity Message Effects on Consumption Behavior: Limited Edition Product Considerations
We've all seen ads that warn us to “Act Now” before a product is gone. But is this type of advertising strategy effective? This study was designed to look at the effectiveness of limited edition products, specifically from those products from luxury brands. In these situations, advertisers typically implement two types of scarcity messages for the limited edition products: limited-time scarcity and limited-quantity scarcity messages. Research prior to this study suggested that these scarcity messages make consumers feel that limited edition products are more unique, special, and valuable. This leads to consumers positively evaluating the product. This study examined the different effects of limited-time scarcity and limited-quantity scarcity messages on different types of limited edition products by focusing on consumers' need for uniqueness. Read the full article.
You Act Like a Girl: An Examination of Consumer Perceptions of Femvertising
Companies are investing in social causes more than ever before, but one social cause in particular that has gained momentum is “femvertising”—the celebration of female empowerment through advertising. With companies like Verizon, Dodge, and Under Armour getting into this movement, this study wanted to examine consumer perceptions of “femvertising.” TMost femvertising campaigns also reference feminine traits including a focus on appearance and nurturing and the construction of the ideal androgynous woman: pretty, yet strong; decisive, yet gentle. While this type of depiction has been used in advertising as early as the 1970s and 1980s, this is the first instance of large corporations taking an activist (feminist) stance. Read the full article.
What's the Score?: A Content Analysis of Mature Adults in Super Bowl Commercials
This study is focused on understanding how mature adults, adults age 65 and older, are represented in Super Bowl commercials. With this particular population rising, the importance of advertisers recognizing this consumer group is important to business and consumers alike. Using applied framing theory, this content analysis analyzed 272 Super Bowl commercials from the last five years (2010-2014) in the hope to understand mature adult representation in these commercials and in this specific advertising space. Although previous research suggests that mature adults are typically underrepresented in the media, this study shows the opposite for recent Super Bowl commercials. The results showed that mature adults are prominently featured in nearly one-third of all the advertisements analyzed. This indicates a shift from depictions that alienate to a more inclusive culture where mature adults are part of the media landscape and recognized as a key consumer base. Read more about the research.
Advertising Research Faculty
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College of Media & Communication
Texas Tech University, Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409 -