Undergraduate Advising
Visit with your program advisor today!
The Office of Undergraduate Advising at the College of Media & Communication is dedicated to providing students with the answers necessary for completion of their degree plan. Prospective students are welcome to contact the advising office for information on enrolling in the college. Current CoMC students should check in with their adviser each semester for information on advising sessions and requirements for graduation.

Pop In to Advising...
Virtual or Face-to-face
No appointment? No problem! Walk-in hours are Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. in CoMC Room 169. Times are subject to change due to advisor availability.
Can't visit campus? Pop in to our CoMC Advising Virtual Lobby to chat with someone from the advising office! Students can instantly connect online
via Zoom to ask questions, schedule an appointment, get on the walk-in list or check
in for your appointment.
Virtual Advising Lobby: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95773200901
Meeting ID: 957 7320 0901
Passcode: COMC

Make an Appointment with Your Program Advisor
We are happy to chat, talk, message, video conference - just make your appointment online through the Raider Success Hub at success.ttu.edu or contact us at (806) 742-6500 or email advising.comc@ttu.edu.
Welcome to Red Raider Orientation
Participate in Red Raider Orientation (RRO) for Texas Tech University College of Media & Communication students.
Find Your Program Adviser
Angelica Onigbinde
Communication Studies
Marissa Lopez
Creative Media Industries
Donald L. Ellis
Digital Media & Professional Communication
Michele K. Moore
Jose Andino
Media Strategies
Michele K. Moore
Find Academic Resources
Student Success Specialist
Amber Hemphill
Phone: 806.834.0281
Student Success & Retention:
Stacy Elliott
Phone: 806.834.7939
Senior Director of Advising:
Julia Heard Witt
Phone: 806.834.7643
Front Desk
Emma Hunzeker,
Student Assistant
Cela Wigington,
Student Assistant
Contact Advising
Phone: 806.742.6500
Fax: 806.742.1085
Office: CoMC Room 169,
College of Media & Communication
3003 15th Street, Lubbock, TX
Email: advising.comc@ttu.edu
College of Media & Communication
Texas Tech University, Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409 -