Texas Tech University

Personal Financial Planning

Texas Tech PFP Alumni Advisory Board Nominations

By submitting the form below, you acknowledge that you read the following excerpt from the board bylaws:

Expectations. General responsibilities for each Member are as follows:

A. Position. Each Member agrees to:
(1) Become familiar with the Board's role, structure, and responsibilities.

(2) Attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of the scheduled Board meetings and conference calls. If a Board meeting must be missed, the absent Member is responsible for re-engaging the President, Committee Chair, etc. within a reasonable timeframe.

(3) Board Members must not miss two (2) consecutive Board meetings

(4) Not fail to demonstrate active participation as merited (that is, contributing to the discussion, offering constructive criticism, generating new ideas, making recommendations, serving on at least one (1) committee, and otherwise fairly sharing in the burden of the Board's work). Such participation shall at all times be conducted in a respectful manner, even in times of disagreement.

(5) Show support for the PFP program by availing one's self to communicate with faculty and students and attend PFP and/or PFPA functions when possible.

(6) Cast a timely vote on matters before the Board. (Note: To be effective, the Board relies heavily upon voting participation. In matters deemed vitally important such as Board membership votes, one-hundred percent participation within the timeframe stipulated by the Presiding Member is expected. Therefore, unjustified absenteeism represents a gross breach of Member responsibilities and may result in Termination as described in Article III, Section 6.)

(7) Represent the Board in a mature and professional manner while upholding a high standard of personal honor befitting a position of leadership.

(8) Maintain "good standing" status with respect to professional certifications and Board representation.

B. Time. The typical time commitment required of Members is expected to be relatively small and will primarily entail conference calls, email correspondence, and occasional meetings. As warranted, an agreed share of duties for certain tasks may be assigned to Members, which may require an additional time commitment.
(1) It is recommended that Board Members attend at least one (1) official PFP even on campus during their 3-year term.

C. Financial. Since the Board will not maintain an operating budget nor a bank account, all incidental travel, food, lodging, or other costs are at the Member's own expense. The Board is not liable for expense reimbursements or compensation in any form for any reason.

Nomination Form

Rolling nominations are accepted. Nomination forms submitted by June 15th will be considered for the upcoming term beginning on September 1st. 

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