Texas Tech University

Personal Financial Planning

PFP Ambassadors

PFP Ambassadors are comprised of undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Personal Financial Planning. These students serve as official representatives of the school and an extension of the faculty and staff in the following capacities:

  • Event Volunteers: Assist with special events such as Fall Career Day, Opportunity Days, professional trips, and student/faculty recruiting activities.
  • School Hosts: Serve as hosts/hostesses for professionals that visit our program and for prospective students visiting campus.
  • Student Recruiting: Aid faculty and staff in on-campus recruiting and support national recruiting efforts.
  • Student Voice: Ambassadors serve as a collective voice for the PFP students, relaying concerns, wants, and needs to the department.

Applications are currently closed.


George Allen

  • Program of Study: Accelerated Bachelor's-to-Master's Program
  • Email: geoallen@ttu.edu

Zach Bellinghausen

Ethan Dietschy

Tairsa Mathews 

Kali Mazumdar

Arianna Melgar

Harley Mikus

Lupita Ochoa Olvera

  • Program of Study: Accelerated Bachelor's-to-Master's Program
  • Email: gochoaol@ttu.edu

Kayla Omukawila

Rose Wakiria

Alton Walker