Texas Tech University

Michael Finke, Ph.D., CFP®

Personal Financial Planning

Email: michael.finke@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-5081

Office: HS 234D


Michael Finke


PhD in finance from the University of Missouri and PhD in consumer science from the Ohio State University. Assistant/associate professor at University of Missouri from 1999 through 2006, associate professor at Texas Tech 2006-present. Obtained CFP® in 2006.

2013 Investment Advisor IA25, 2012 Investment News Power 20, 2011 Academic Thought Leadership Award, Retirement Management Journal, 2010 Winner, iOMe National Retirement Challenge, Faculty Advisor 2010 Best Paper Award, Academy of Financial Services, 2008 Distinguished Research Award, College of Human Sciences, 2007 Teacher of the Year Award, Texas Tech Personal Financial Planning Association, 2006 Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Outstanding Journal Article award, 2005 American Council on Consumer Interests CFP Board Financial Planning Research Award

Research Interests

Household investment and intertemporal choice, behavioral personal finance, agency costs of financial planning, retirement income planning, risk tolerance assessment, aggregate trends in household portfolio allocation.

Classes Taught

Doctoral seminars in financial planning research, research methods, and household investment theory. Undergraduate and masters classes in risk management (3375) and investments (3376 and 5362).

Recent Publications

Finke, M.S. 2013. Financial advice: Does it make a difference? In O.S. Mitchell and K. Smetters, eds., The Market for Retirement Financial Advice. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Finke, M.S. and Huston, S.J. 2013. Time preference and the importance of saving for retirement. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 89, 23-34.

Finke, M.S., Pfau, W., and Blanchett, D. 2013. The 4 percent rule is not safe in a low-yield world, Journal of Financial Planning, forthcoming.

Finke, M.S. and Huston, S.J. 2013. Financial literacy and education. In H.K. Baker and V. Ricciardi, eds., Investor Behavior – The Psychology of Financial Planning and Investing.

John Wiley & Sons., Gibson, P.S. and Finke, M.S. 2013. Do mutual funds marketed to African American investors extract excess rent?, Journal of Index Investing, forthcoming.

Scott, J. and Finke, M.S. 2013. The demand for disability insurance, Financial Services Review, forthcoming.

Dean, L. and Finke, M.S. 2012. Compensation and client wealth among U.S. investment advisors, Financial Services Review, 21(2), 81-94.

Finke, M.S. and Langdon, T. 2012. The impact of the broker-dealer fiduciary standard on financial advice, Journal of Financial Planning, 25(7), 28-37.

Belasco, E., Finke, M.S. and Nanigian, D. 2012. The impact of passive investing on corporate valuations, Managerial Finance, 38(11), 1067-1084.