Texas Tech University

International Research Funding Alert February 2018



IIAS Fellowships

Sponsor: International Institute for Asian Studies
Deadline: March 1st, 2018
Location: Global
Amount: See solicitation for details
Website: https://iias.asia/page/iias-fellowship-application#grant
Summary: International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) invites post-doctoral outstanding researchers to apply for a fellowship at IIAS. IIAS is looking for fellows to work on an important aspect of Asian studies research in the social sciences and humanities, focusing on three IIAS clusters: Asian Cities, Asian Heritages, and Global Asia. Applicants may also apply for an extra two months of research at Le Collège d'études mondiales/Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (CEM-FMSH) in Paris, in the framework of the joint IIAS/CEM-FMSH fellowship.


Combating Gender Based Violence in East Asia Pacific

Sponsor: Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Deadline: March 5th, 2018
Location: East Asia Pacific
Amount: $650,000
Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=299841
Summary: The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that promote and protect the human rights of those affected by gender-based violence in East Asia Pacific. Program focus areas include: advocating to promote legislative reforms; increasing awareness of GBV; engage in partnerships to cultivate best practices for ending GBV; conducting targeted training programs; and data collection and analysis.


International Research Scientist Development Award

Sponsor: National Institute of Health
Deadline: March 7, 2018
Location: LMIC as defined by the World Bank
Amount: See Solicitation
Website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-17-002.html
Summary: National Institute of Health is announcing the International Research Scientist Development Award (IRSDA) as to provide support and protected time (three to five years) to advanced postdoctoral U.S. research scientists and recently-appointed junior faculty for an intensive, mentored research career development experience in a low-or middle-income country (LMIC) leading to an independently-funded research career focused on global health. NIH will contribute up to $75,000 per year toward the salary of the career award recipient, and $30,000 per year toward the research development costs of the award recipient


FY2018 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship

Sponsor: Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Deadline: March 12, 2018
Location: Global
Amount: $1,200,000 to $1,800,000
Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=300041
Summary: The FY 2018 YSEALI Academic Fellowship will provide up to approximately 250 undergraduate and recent graduates from throughout Southeast Asia with a foundation in one of three themes: Civic Engagement, Environmental Issues and Natural Resource Management, and Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development. The ECA invites proposal submissions from U.S. institutions for the design and implementation of twelve YSEALI Academic Fellowship Institutes taking place in the fall of 2018 and spring of 2019.


U.S.-Argentina Workforce Development Competition for Innovations in Study Abroad Partnerships & Collaboration

Sponsor: Partners of the Americas/Department of State/NAFSA
Deadline: March 15, 2018
Location: Argentina
Amount: $25,000
Website: http://www.100kstrongamericas.org/grants/#chevron
Summary: This Innovation Fund competition is open to all higher education institutions in the United States and Argentina that promote study abroad and training opportunities in the fields of Economic Development and STEM, with a special emphasis on energy, geosciences, or natural resources management. Proposals can focus on increasing outbound opportunities for students; on expanding the capacity for the partner institutions to host them or to reciprocate the exchange by sending students; on expanding their own capacity to host international students; or offer models that integrate increased flow in both directions. Up to eleven Innovation Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded to selected proposals.


Chamber of Advocates and Public Defender Communications Development in Armenia

Sponsor: Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
Deadline: March 20th, 2018
Location: Armenia
Amount: $50,000
Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=299574
Summary: The United States Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, is seeking applications for a Cooperative Agreement to implement a program entitled “Chamber of Advocates and Public Defender Communications Development in Armenia.” INL is seeking an organization to conduct the development of a communications strategy for the Chamber of Advocates and Public Defender's Office of Armenia. The goal of this project is to contribute to transparency reforms in key Armenian criminal justice sector institutions.


Advanced Social Science Research on Japan Fellowship

Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities
Deadline: April 25, 2018
Location: Japan
Amount: $50,400
Website: https://www.neh.gov/grants/research/fellowships-advanced-social-science-research-japan
Summary: The Fellowships for Advanced Social Science Research on Japan program is a joint activity of the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Awards support research on modern Japanese society and political economy, Japan's international relations, and U.S.-Japan relations. The program encourages innovative research that puts these subjects in wider regional and global contexts and is comparative and contemporary in nature. Appropriate disciplines for the research include anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, linguistics, political science, psychology, public administration, and sociology.


International Research Ethics Education and Curriculum Development Award

Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
Deadline: May 17, 2018
Location: Global
Amount: $230,000
Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=280952
Summary: The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The goal of this FIC R25 program is to support educational activities that foster a better understanding of biomedical, behavioral and clinical research and its implications, by strengthening research ethics capacity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) through increasing the number of LMIC research intensive institutions that can provide advanced education in research ethics. Programs supported by this initiative will equip scientists, health professionals and academics in these countries with in-depth knowledge of the ethical principles, processes and policies related to international clinical and public health research. Programs should be designed to strengthen the critical competencies needed to provide research ethics education, ethical review leadership and expert consultation to LMIC researchers, their institutions, governments and international research organizations.


Collaborative International Research Coordination Networks

Sponsor: National Science Foundation/National Research Foundation of South Africa
Deadline: June 30, 2018
Location: South Africa
Amount: $500,000
Website: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18024/nsf18024.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click
Summary: The National Science Foundation and National Research Foundation of South Africa announce a co-funding opportunity to support collaborative International Research Coordination Networks (IRCN) comprised of U.S. and South African researchers in the field of environmental biology. The IRCN mechanism provides an opportunity for the South African and U.S. research communities to communicate and coordinate their research activities on a wide range of environmental biology topics, including: ecosystem forecasting and monitoring, community origin, maintenance and function, species diversity and evolutionary relationships, emerging diseases and pests, and biodiversity theory.


Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy

Sponsor: American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Deadline: January 7, 2019
Location: Global
Amount: See Solicitation
Website: https://www.amacad.org/content/about/about.aspx?d=96&t=4&s=94
Summary: As part of the Academy's Initiative for Science, Engineering, and Technology, the Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy provides an opportunity for an early-career professional with training in science or engineering to learn about a career in public policy and administration. While in residence, Hellman Fellows work with senior scientists and policy experts on critical national and international policy issues related to science, engineering, and technology.