Central American Research Symposium
The Central American Research Symposium's (CARS) goal was to increase international research collaborations between TTU faculty and graduate students and faculty researchers at Higher Education Institutions in Central America. The TTU CARS provided a vehicle for TTU faculty to engage with international faculty from partnering Central American universities, discussed potential multidisciplinary research projects, and provided seed grants for selected TTU faculty. Additionally, the CARS offered opportunities for TTU graduate students in selected USDA field-related programs to present ongoing related research through a poster session.
The Central American Research Symposium was held
April 29 through May 3
2024 CARS Seed Travel Grant Award Recipients
Congratulations to the TTU faculty members below who were awarded a travel seed grant through CARS. The faculty will travel to Central America later this year to collaborate on potential research projects with faculty at one of the three institutions who participated in CARS in May and June. We are excited to learn more about their research projects and we look forward to continuing fostering collaborations with our Central American partners in the future!
Ann M Mastergeorge
Professor and Senior Director for Engaged Scholarship Initiatives,
Human Development & Family Sciences
Partner Institution: University of Costa Rica (UCR), Costa Rica
Sandip Pal
Associate Professor,
Atmospheric Science, Department of Geosciences
Partner Institution:
Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Costa Rica
Nadia Flores
Associate Professor of Sociology,
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Partner Institution: Universidad de Oriente (UNIVO), El Salvador
Shane Walker
Professor and Director of the Water Resource Center,
Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering
Partner Institution: Universidad de Oriente (UNIVO), El Salvador
The Texas Tech University CARS Team
Vice Provost for International Affairs – PI
Associate Professor – Co-PI
Elizabeth Espino
Senior International Grants Administrator
Reagan Ribordy
Assistant Vice Provost for International Affairs
Michael Johnson
Associate Director
International Grants
Administration &
Partnerships and Export
Control Administrator
Calan Welder
International Grants Administrator/Global Safety & Security
The Central American Research Symposium is funded by a USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Higher Education Challenge Grants Program to International Affairs in collaboration with Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and the College of Human Sciences
This research was supported [in part] by the intramural research program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Higher Education Challenge Grant.
International Affairs
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806.742.3667 -