Frequently Asked Questions
Below are a handful of questions that most frequently arise. If you have a question that is not on this list, please feel free to email the International Exchange Student Coordinator (IESC), (
Documents to Carry
- DS-2019
- 1-94
- Passport
My signature verification form won't reach the US in-time for the deadline. Is this okay?
Yes, that is fine. We can accept the signature verification form past the deadline, just make sure you have everything else in.
What is the difference between the nomination deadline and the application deadline?
The nomination deadline is the date in which your home universitys exchange coordinator must nominate you to the IESC. The application deadline is the date in which you, the student, must have all documents turned into the IESC. This application deadline is usually a month after the nomination deadline.
Our universities are out of balance, can I still come as an exchange student?
Yes, but only as a fee-paying student. This means you will be required to pay tuition and fees for an 'out-of-state- student.
I got an email about attending Red Raider Orientation. Do I need to do this?
No. Exchange students are not required to attend this orientation. The only orientation you are required to attend is the International Student Orientation.
I am arriving a couple of days before my housing opens. What can I do?
You can utilize the short stay program or hotel partnership program found here.
When will be enrolled in all of my courses?
Full enrollment can happen as late as the first day of classes, especially if you have requested changes. Otherwise, we aim to have the students fully enrolled before they arrive in Lubbock.
When will my tuition fees be removed?
All fees related to tuition will be removed (if you are a non-fee-paying student) before the first day of class.
How do I register for courses?
If you are a non-fee paying student (meaning you are paying tuition at your home university, and not here at Texas Tech), you will be automatically registered in your courses. If you are a fee-paying student, you can follow the instructions below:
- Go to
- Log in with your Eraider Username and Password
- Go the tab labeled TTU MyTech
- Under Manage My Enrollment, click on Registration
- Click on Add or Drop Classes
- Click on Register for Classes
- Choose the term of which you are joining us (e.g. Fall 2016 TTU, or Fall 2016 Law)
- Choose the courses by the course title (Civil Engineering, Math, Etc.)
Note: If you are getting an error in the top right hand side of your screen, please email the screenshot of the error you are receiving!
What is the equivalent of ECTS to U.S. Credit Hours?
The general rule of thumb is 2.5 ECTS = 1 U.S. Credit Hour. To be considered full time as an undergraduate, you must been enrolled in 12 U.S. Credit Hours. This means you will be enrolled in 30 ECTS. If you are a graduate student, you must been enrolled in 9 U.S. Credit Hours, or 22.5 ECTS.
ECTS credit | U.S. Credit Hour |
2.5 | 1 |
7.5 | 3 |
22.5 | 9 |
30 | 12 |
37.5 | 15 |
How do I pay my bill (or pay for my on-campus accommodation)?
Log onto your Eraider account by going to and click on the MyTech tab. Under Manage My Finances click on Student Business Services. Click on eBill or click on International Payments if you will be paying from a foreign bank account.
I require assistance in the classroom (mobility, hearing, sight). Are you able to help me with ability accommodations?
Yes, we can work with our Student Disability Services to get you any services or help you require while you are a student here at Texas Tech. We encourage you disclose any assistance you will need as early as possible so we can work with our on campus team to prepare for your arrival.
When does the semester start and end?
The start and end dates of each semester differ by year. You can find the academic calendar by visiting Calendar link. Please note, you will be required to be here a few days-a week before the start of the semester for a mandatory orientation.
Can the proof of my financial support be a declaration from my parents/mentor/guardian?
Yes, however, you will need a signed affidavit from your parents (meaning the document has been notarized) stating that they will cover you for your entire time in the U.S.. You will also need to submit a print out of their bank statement (proving they have enough to cover you).
I am LOVING Texas Tech! How can I extend my time here and do another semester as an exchange student?
That's great! First, we need approval from your home university. After we receive written verification that you have approval from your home university, we can work with our ISSS to get you a visa extension.
How do I only sign a 6-month lease for my on-campus accommodation?
There is no option to do this online. You will sign up for a 9-month lease (or academic year lease) and Enola/IESC will alert the housing office.
A course I want to take says it's full, can I still take it?
It depends. If the course has a 'waitlist', then you are welcome to register for it and wait for someone to drop the course. If there is not a 'waitlist', you will likely not be able to register for the course.
Every time I try to register I get an error, why is this?
You are not automatically permitted into courses at Texas Tech. The majority of the courses offered need prerequisites and since the system cannot track the courses you have taken at your home institution, it shows you an error (usually prerequisite and test score error). Before you attempt to register for a course, you must let me know which course so that Ruby/IESC can contact the academic department and permit you.
Which meal plan do you suggest?
If you are living off campus and would like to have the option to eat on campus, Enola/IESC suggest you get the commuter meal plan. If you dont enroll in this, you will be paying more for each meal when you eat on campus (you automatically get a discount for each purchase when you use a meal plan). If you are living on campus, it will really just depend on your eating style. Most students choose the smallest meal plan because you can always add more money to the plan if you ever run out.
My visa ends the day the semester ends, however I planned on traveling after the semester. How can I do this?
No worries, you are permitted to be in the U.S. for 30 days after the end date on your visa.
Can I work while I am a student at Texas Tech?
J-1 Students cannot work while they are here on an exchange program.
Can I travel out of the country in the middle of my program?
It depends on the type of visa you have but usually, yes. Before you leave, however, you will need a travel signature from our J-1 immigration officer. If you do not have this signature, it is likely you will not be let back into the country.
My friend is studying at Texas Tech as an exchange student next semester, after I leave. Can I leave my stuff for them?
Yes, we have limited space at the office to keep small items (sheets, blankets, hangers, etc.) for any future friends who are exchange students.
Can I submit my signature verification form by email?
No. Because this form is a legal document, it must be sent by post.
International Affairs
601 Indiana Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-5004 -
806.742.3667 -