On Campus

Texas Tech has 18 residence halls on campus for our students to live in. They all differ in size, location on campus, and amenities. They are first-come, first-serve and the majority of the ‘suite-style residence halls are booked first. The majority of our exchange students choose to live in Coleman Hall as it houses our Global TECHsans Learning Community (international students) as well as domestic students. If you are a law student joining us, you are required to be on campus a little bit earlier than non-law students, so you will be placed in West Village as this is the only residence hall open year-round.

It is important that if you do decide to live on campus, that you register as quickly as you can. If a certain residence hall is full, there is little we can do to place you. The residence halls are a very fun and exciting place to live as you will be getting the true ‘American College Experience. They are close to all of the academic buildings on campus and within walking distance of everything on campus. Additionally, there are multiple studies that show students who live on campus have a higher level of academic success. (de Araujo & Murray, 2010)
Please feel free to click this link for more information on On-Campus Accommodation.
Visit Off Campus Housing
International Affairs
601 Indiana Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-5004 -
806.742.3667 -