Texas Tech University

Health Insurance Information

Healthcare insurance in America can be confusing. Terms like co-pay, deductible, in-network provider, and others can be difficult to understand for young adults and students from countries with different healthcare systems.

Students who subscribe to Academic HealthPlans (AHP) enjoy great health coverage compared to other insurance policies across the nation. AHP provides access to Student Health Services where 100% of the services you may receive are covered by your AHP plan. 

AHP logo

Texas Tech University requires non-immigrant students to maintain the health, evacuation, and repatriation insurance offered through the university.

About Academic HealthPlans (AHP)

My AHP Plan Portal


Find information about Academic HealthPlans (AHP), the insurance your school provides. Visit this page to access your Insurance Portal and Insurance Card.

Access my Insurance Card

Insurance Card

Be sure to enter your full R# includeing the R

Access TeleHealth

Telehealth button

24/7 access to healthcare and medical advice by phone, video or app.

Find a Doctor

Find a doctor

Browse the directory of AHP's health care professionals

Medical Terms & How-To's

doctor how tos

Learn about common terms, phrases, and general medical instructions.


Video Library

Video Icon

Quick tips for getting the most out of your health insurance.

Insurance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does TTU require international students to have health insurance?

The US Government has certain requirements for all persons applying for a non-immigrant visa to enter the United States. These include certain financial qualifications such as being able to meet all personal financial liabilities and not becoming a "public charge" while in the US.

Given the extraordinarily high cost of medical care in the US, TTU requires that all non-immigrant students have health insurance coverage as a condition of enrollment. This ensures non-immigrant students comply with the US Government's financial responsibility requirements cited above.

What's the difference between AHP and Aetna?

Academic HealthPlans (AHP) is your plan administrator.

AHP provides the following services:

  • Website
  • Plan Materials
  • Waiver
  • Enrollment
  • Billing
  • Customer Care for Enrollment
  • On-campus Support

Aetna Life Insurance Company is your actual insurance carrier.

Aetna provides the following services:

  • Claims Administration
  • Claims Customer Service
  • Distribution of ID Cards
  • Access to a Large Network of Providers

How do I find my insurance card?

First, login to your AHP Portal and then follow the instructions below:


Download ID card

What are the dates of coverage?

Fall Semester: August 1st to December 31st

Spring & Summer Semester: January 1st to July 31st

I need a doctor! What do I do?

The best place to seek medical assistance is at the Student Health Center on campus.

Students can also access a doctor outside the health center by logging into ttu.myahpcare.com. Make sure to find an in-network doctor (a doctor who accepts your insurance). View a list of eligible doctors.

For urgent care, please follow the instructions to find an Urgent Care Clinic.

*Note: The Student Insurance plan pays for prescription medicines.

Do I need to pay the Student Health and Wellness Fee to be eligible for medical care at Student Health Services?


What is the difference between the TTU Employer (RA/GA/TA) Plan and the Student Plan?

The Employer Plan is administered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield and has some higher benefits. The plan does not include medical evacuation and repatriation.

The Student Plan does not have as much coverage as the Employer Plan, but it meets the needs of most students and includes medical evacuation and repatriation. It's also less expensive than the employer plan.

Can I get the Student Health and Wellness Fee waived from my tuition bill?

No. The Academic HealthPlans Policy premiums are based on student utilization of Student Health Services at the Student Wellness Center for routine medical appointments.

A Premium is the amount you pay each month (or each year) to keep your insurance policy active. Your premium amount is determined by many factors including risk, coverage amount, and more – depending on the type of insurance you have.

The insurance policy provides coverage for prescription medicines, emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and medical care when the student is not in Lubbock, Texas.

Are there any AHP waivers for international students or athletes?

Yes, the insurance premium will be waived for nonimmigrant students sponsored by the US Government, a foreign government recognized by the US, or certain international, government-sponsored or non-governmental organizations.

Such waivers will be based on the government or organization guaranteeing payment of all health care expenses including evacuation and repatriation. Documentation must be presented to TTU's Office of International Affairs prior to registration. The AHP website lists the requirements needed to submit your waiver.

The insurance premium will also be waived for students who provide documented evidence of health insurance coverage, including evacuation and repatriation, by a US-based employer. Non-immigrant students employed by TTU and eligible for both employer-provided insurance and international student health insurance may select between the two, as long as the insurance selected includes evacuation and repatriation coverage.

*Note: Medical evacuation and repatriation insurance can be purchased to supplement employer-provided health insurance from AHP.

TTU Health Insurance Policy Information

Can I lose my insurance if I have a change of status?

Possibly. While we cannot make a statement on this subject, it is recommended that you contact your insurance provider before changing statuses. Your insurance provider can further discuss what will happen to your plan and alternative plans for changing your visa status.

I have more questions!

For more questions regarding health insurance, please visit Student Health Services.