Texas Tech University

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training (often referred to as "CPT") is a special work authorization that allows international students to gain practical work experience required by an established degree program.

CPT provides legal authorization for F-1 students to work for a US-based, off-campus employer (regardless of pay) as part of their program for course credits.


  • A student must be in F-1 status for one full academic year at TTU to be eligible for CPT (summer semesters are not eligible). A graduate student may have an exception to this rule if their degree program requires an immediate practicum.
  • CPT is issued on a semester-by-semester basis, and the start/end dates of the CPT authorization letters must reflect this. If you're not sure about your CPT start/end dates, please reach out to your international advisor for guidance.
  • CPT must be tied to a course for course credits. The student must enroll in the CPT course before enrollment closes for the desired semester, otherwise CPT may not be authorized.

Questions concerning eligibility for CPT should be addressed to the student’s assigned international advisor.

How to Apply for CPT

Step 1) Learn about CPT

Reach out to your assigned international advisor. There's a lot of information about CPT, so it's crucial to learn as much as you can before you apply. Be sure to confirm your eligibility for CPT before seeking employment and to consult with both your international and academic advisors before proceeding.

Step 2) Submit Valid CPT Letters

CPT is authorized by the student’s assigned international advisor. Once CPT authorization is provided, it will be seen on the student's I-20. CPT does not require a USCIS application or an EAD card.

To apply for CPT, the student must provide their international advisor the following:

  • CPT Job Offer Letter It is advisable to request a job offer letter in TTU's format seen in this example.
  • CPT Advisor's Letter with start/end dates that match the job offer letter.
  • CPT Course Enrollment in the same course as specified in the CPT advisor's letter.

*Both CPT letters must have all the required information as seen in the samples attached.

CPT authorization on your I-20 must be obtained BEFORE work begins, otherwise it may lead to severe consequences to your visa status and future USCIS requests.

Step 3) Receive I-20 with CPT Authorization

Once your international advisor reviews and approves your CPT letters, you will be provided with a new I-20 showing your CPT authorization for the given semester. To extend your CPT into the following semester, you must apply again with new CPT letters and enrollment.

Please be aware that 12 months or more of full-time CPT will forfeit your OPT eligibility.

*Note: Due to the unique employment and program requirements, music students should first consult with their international advisor for CPT requests.

CPT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When can I apply for CPT?

Students should apply for CPT before the semester begins and no later than when the semester's enrollment closes.

Remember, you cannot start working until you receive an I-20 with the CPT authorization on it. The I-20 authorization will show you the start date you can begin working.

Ultimately, it's the student's responsibility to submit valid CPT letters in a timely manner BEFORE working.

If you work before the authorized CPT start date on your I-20, you may risk severe consequences to your current visa status and future USCIS requests.

How long can I do CPT?

Students may not take more than 12 months of full-time CPT without affecting OPT eligibility.

Part-time CPT does not affect OPT eligiblity.

How long does it take for CPT authorization to be approved?

That determines the amount of time it may take for you to gather, correct, and provide valid CPT letters to your international advisor. Once valid CPT letters are reviewed and approved, you can expect to receive your new I-20 with CPT authorization within 1-3 business days.

Do I need a job offer to apply for CPT?

Yes, you will always need a job offer letter to apply for CPT. The letter should include all the necessary information as seen in our template. Omitting information will delay your CPT authorization.

What kind of jobs can I have during CPT?

All CPT employment must be directly related to your major. CPT jobs cannot be related to any minor programs you are pursuing.

How many hours can I work during CPT?

  • Full-time CPT must be 21 or more hours a week.
  • Part-time CPT must be 20 hours or less a week.

If your hours fluctuate per week, please inform your international advisor.

What's the difference between full-time and part-time CPT?

Full-time CPT (21 or more hours a week) is considered full-time enrollment. Additional classes are not required but are allowed if desired. However, students cannot apply for OPT if the student receives full-time CPT for 12 or more months.

Part-time CPT (20 hours or less a week) requires full-time enrollment in additional classes. Part-time CPT does not affect OPT eligibility.

Can I cancel my CPT after receiving CPT authorization?

Yes. If you wish to cancel your CPT after already receiving CPT authorization on your I-20, please provide a letter from your employer stating your end date and consult with your academic advisor about rearranging your course credits if possible.

If you fail to meet full-time enrollment requirements due to dropping your CPT course, it may affect your F-1 visa status.

Can I be self-employed while on CPT?

No, you cannot be self-employed while on CPT. CPT is practical training and always requires supervision. This is the nature and purpose of CPT.

Do I have to enroll in extra classes while doing CPT?

If you have been approved for part-time CPT, you must enroll in a full course load to maintain your F-1 visa status.

If you have been approved for full-time CPT, you are not required to enroll in any additional classes because full-time CPT is considered a full course load. You may enroll in extra classes if you'd like, but it is not required.

Can I do CPT in my final semester?

It is not recommended for various reasons, but it can be allowed. Please consult with your international advisor for further information.

Can I do CPT for my thesis/dissertation?

This requirement must be verified by the thesis or dissertation committee chair who must provide a letter of approval. CPT can only be granted a maximum of one year while a student is completing a thesis or dissertation.

If your advisor or dissertation chair does not approve of you using dissertation/thesis course for CPT, then you will not be authorized for CPT employment.

What types of courses are allowed Graduate Students on CPT?

Types of courses are allowed Graduate Students on CPT:

  1. Practicum
  2. Research: may qualify for CPT if the research conducted for the course requires employment. Only one year of CPT will be granted to students enrolled in research courses requiring employment.
  3. Thesis or Dissertation: may qualify for CPT if employment is necessary to conduct required research. This requirement must be verified by the thesis or dissertation committee chair and provide a letter of approval. CPT can only be granted a maximum of one year while a student is completing a thesis or dissertation.
  4. Independent study: may be used for CPT if the course requires an internship. Only one independent study course may count towards CPT during a program of study.
  5. Other: If a course is not listed above but is a credit-granting course which requires work experience (such as a Student Teaching course), it may be considered.