Texas Tech University

International Faculty and Scholar Resources

Campus Life | Housing links | Transportation | Things to do in Lubbock and on the TTU campus | Information about Lubbock Schools | Buying and Selling Online | Volunteer OpportunitiesTranslation | English Classes | Cultural Adjustment

Campus Life                                      

Ethipoian students

Campus Information

Campus Map

Virtual Tour of TTU Campus

Recreational Center

TTU History & Traditions


International Student Life

TechConnect - Student Organizations 


Housing links

Legal Information about leasing and renting (Landlord/Tenant) on the Student Legal Services page

Off Campus Rental web sites



Information about obtaining a drivers license.

Bus Routes - On Campus and to Housing Areas Around the Campus

Legal information about owning and operating a vehicle in Lubbock on the Student Legal Services page

Campus Transportation and Parking

Campus Maps

Lubbock and Lubbock County Maps and Information

Things to do in Lubbock and on the TTU campusFlag Parade 2023

News and Events on Campus

International Student Events

Outdoor Activities 


Visit Lubbock - Travel and Visitors information 

City of Lubbock - Events

Information about Lubbock Schools and City services 

The number to call for questions regarding city services (trash, lost animals, pay a bill, etc).  311                Woman and her child at CF

School districts in Lubbock County

Maps of school districts in the Lubbock area

How to enroll student in Lubbock Schools

Summer camps/activities for children

Buying and Selling Online


Volunteer Opportunities

The Office of International Affairs strongly encourages you to contact the following organizations, if you are interested about presenting about your culture/home country in theLions Club International Affairs Lubbock community and on campus. These organizations would love have an opportunity to learn from you. 

Translators, Translations and Notaries

On occasion visiting scholars are asked to provide English translations of documents in their native language. The certification that a translation is accurate, in most cases, can be done by anyone who speaks both languages.

In some cases, in order to be sure a document is accurate, the entity that requires the translated document may require that a professional translator or translating service be utilized.  These companies can be found easily through a search on the internet.

Note: Most US government agencies, including the Department of State and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, do not require that a translation be done by a professional translator or translating service.

While it is not required, you may chose to have a translation notarized. However, you must understand that a notary can only acknowledge/notarize a statement by the translator that he/she has accurately translated a document from the original language into English. A notary cannot/does not confirm that the translation is accurate.

Faculty at TTU that speak other languages

English Classes 

Lubbock literacy, a community program, provides free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for international students, scholars, and their dependents.  To find out about their in-person classes and other ESL resources visit their webpage.

 Literacy Lubbock English Classes

Texas Tech English in the Evenings Classes

TTU English as a Second Language

Cultural Adjustment 

Moving to a new place and experiencing a new culture is interesting and exciting but there are challenges. This process of adjustment is often referred to as culture shock. 

Visit our Life in Lubbock Page to learn more about Lubbock

USA Culture Guide

Advice from Current International Students

Please view the video below to learn about what culture shock is and how you can respond in ways that will help you adjust and grow during your time in Lubbock Texas. 

Culture Presentation