K-12 Global Education Outreach
The Texas Tech University Office of International Affairs K-12 Global Education Outreach presents cultural programs to Lubbock and the surrounding communities. These programs are offered at the International Cultural Center and “On the Road”. Click on the “Find a Program” icon to learn more about our program options.
Supporting K-12 Global Education
K-12 Global Education Outreach (GEO) would like to sincerely thank the following partners for their continued support of our mission to foster cultural awareness and build a community of global learners in Lubbock and its surrounding communities. Without their generous financial support, K-12 GEO would not be able to provide free outreach programming to over 20,000 students, teachers, and community members each year.
- Lubbock Independent School District
- The CH Foundation
- The Helen Jones Foundation
- Texas Commission on the Arts
- The Center for Global Understanding

International Affairs
601 Indiana Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-5004 -
806.742.3667 -