Funding Your Ph.D.
Assistantships are generally available to doctoral students in good academic standing for a period of four years. Continuation of the assistantship is contingent upon the student making satisfactory progress toward his/her degree. Assistantships are currently $22,750 per year for half-time service (20 hours a week). Award of an assistantship allows the student to be classified as "in-state" and waives certain fees bringing the tuition and fees for Ph.D. students on assistantship to about $600 per semester for nine credit hours.
Doctoral Scholarships
At the recommendation of the respective area and subject to approval by the Rawls College of Business, doctoral scholarships are awarded to outstanding incoming and continuing doctoral students. There are also a number of other university-wide awards, fellowships, scholarships and financial aid administered through the Texas Tech University Graduate School. Visit the Graduate School website for more information.
Travel Stipends/ Research Grants
The Rawls College of Business provides partial support for Ph.D. student travel (for example, to attend academic conferences) and generous grants to support research. Ph.D. students can also apply for travel funds through the Graduate School.
Program Cost
Visit Student Business Services to access the tuition estimator.
Ph.D. Program Links
Management Information Systems
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Rawls College of Business
Rawls College of Business, Box 42101, 703 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3188 -