Texas Tech University

RISE Blog | New Year, New Outlook: How to Use Shmoody to Reach your Goals

By: Madelyn Lowe, Shmoody Design Assistant
January 4th, 2024

As 2024 moves closer, many have started to consider the changes they want to make in the New Year. Whether you want to implement something new into your routine or put a stop to an unhealthy habit, many use New Year's resolutions to improve their state of life. These goals range from person to person and can be as big as buying a house to remembering to make the bed every morning. While they are meant to create a positive difference, sticking with these plans can be challenging when returning to your “normal” life after the break. However, with our partner Shmoody, reaching your goals may not be as hard as it seems. 

Shmoody is a mental health app that has partnered with Texas Tech to bring (free!) mental health support to all TTU students. Shmoody offers a variety of in-app tools make managing your mental health fun, and using the app as a pocket toolkit can assist you in reaching your goals in the new year. 

Here are some tips for creating, planning, and following through on your goals in 2024!

Creating Goals

Realistic goals for the New Year can easily be created with the all-knowing guidance of Guru Cat, our AI powered feline friend.

According to research, about 23% of people give up on their resolution at the end of the first week of the year. This number jumps at the end of the January, where 43% stop at the one-month mark (Batts, 2023). One reason people abandon their New Year's resolutions is by not making their goals realistic for their lifestyle. It's always good to shoot for the stars--especially with goals you are passionate about--but it's important to keep in mind that it takes small steps to get there. 

One easy way to break down your big-picture goal into smaller, tangible plans is by having a chat with Shmoody's Guru Cat. This tool can be found by scrolling down the main page of the app to the toolbox section. After clicking on Guru Cat, it will prompt you to “enter the chat.” When doing this, Guru Cat will appear and say to ask them anything! From here, you can ask for help in creating a practical New Year's resolution. Guru Cat will have customized answers based on your needs and can help you ideate your next steps. 

To create a realistic New Year's resolution consider asking Guru Cat something like, “I want to prioritize [GOAL] in the New Year. Can you write three easy steps to help me achieve this goal within 2024? For example, if I write that my goal is to prioritize a healthier lifestyle, Guru Cat can give me tangible smaller goals like (1) eating more fruits and vegetables, (2) taking a daily walk, and (3) getting enough rest. 

 Guru Cat from Shmoody

Guru Cat is also programed to recommend Shmoody's features to start reaching these goals. In this way, it can work as a tool to find other tools if you are getting oriented within the app.  

Note that when you leave the chatroom, the discussion will be erased, so if there is anything you want to remember from your conversation with Guru Cat, feel free to screenshot for your reference.

Once you determine the steps to implement a successful resolution, the next step is to implement a lasting change.

Creating an Action Plan

One of the leading factors New Year's resolutions fail is accountability. 

One survey shows only 20% of respondents reported they would keep themselves accountable for their goals in 2024 when the year prior, 77% of respondents reported the same (Davis, 2023). 

Good thing Shmoody is here to help keep you accountable! Check out the prompt for “Today's Plan.” This is where your Action Plans will be! Never made one before? Press the Action Plan button to pull up the menu. From here, you can create your own goals or pick from a wide range of themed actions. Want to start getting out of bed earlier? Pick the Start Strong plan under the Morning Routines group. If you want to shoot for better grades, look under the Students tab to view Action Plans for more successful study sessions. 

These options create a to-do list on Shmoody's home page, so you can check off your goals throughout the day. You can even toggle the days of the week you want your plan to be active or customize the number of objectives shown per day, so you can fit your plan seamlessly into your schedule. 

By checking off items, you earn cumulative points, so you can track your progress through the app. This is an easy way to stay accountable by keeping your goals in the palm of your hand.  

Creating your action plan can set you up to accomplish your goals, but what happens when something stands in your way? 

Getting Support

Roadblocks are bound to come, so what happens if you get stuck behind one? 

Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is you can be your own worst enemy. Sometimes our biggest roadblocks are ourselves, and this is often extremely difficult to overcome. Whether its fear of failure, fear of what others think, or procrastination, the way through the tunnel of self-doubt is to be aware of these feelings and know how to pause them (Batts, 2020). 

Shmoody offers a selection of resources you can use at any hour of the day depending on what arises. If you navigate to your Toolbox, there are several different tabs underneath the Audio Tools heading. Going to Life Coaching will bring up a set of self-help podcasts from Life Coach, Kitty Gonzalez. Kitty covers topics such as finding your purpose, how to practice better self-care, and how to take control of thoughts and feelings. New podcasts are always in the works and come from user submissions. The Meditations tab is self-explanatory. Here, there are many guided meditations to choose from at varying lengths. Are you a meditation veteran? Try some of the unguided audios next time you meditate for a deeper state of focus. 

The road to improvement is always better with a little help. Whether you need some expert advice from Kitty or a moment to breathe, Shmoody offers 24/7 access to these features, just a click away. 

Share Your Journey

Celebrate your small steps to greatness by making posts in our community board! This is an easy way to nurture your motivation or receive support during the year. Research suggests sharing your goals with others encourages accountability, progress measuring, and connecting with likeminded people (Conway, 2023). Plus, celebrating the small victories on the way to your big goals is rewarding! 

The main Community Board can be found by tapping the Community icon in the bottom left of the homepage. This is a board where Shmoody users from across the world can share their wins, struggles, and advice with other users. It is completely anonymous, meaning that if you have personal struggles you want to share, know your information is kept private. Inappropriate comments and speech are also filtered from this space, giving you a positive community in the palm of your hand. On your posts, users can send support, congratulations, and sympathies. They can also reply, being a personal cheerleader or mentor. 

From the Shmoody Community page, navigating to the Topic's tab will reveal a subset of smaller, more specific Community Boards. There is even a Texas Tech student specific Community Board! Here, students who joined the app with the TTU premium access code can talk about all things Tech, Lubbock, and get support from their peers. 

Other Community Boards include a place to share playlists, a chat for people going through addiction recovery, and even a place to write suggestions for what you would like to see in the future of Shmoody! 

Having access to these different groups can be helpful in reaching your goals, gaining advice, and feeling a sense of accomplishment. 

Go Get ‘Em!

This year, Shmoody is here to help ensure your New Year's resolutions are more than just ideas. With the Shmoody's toolbox of features, creating goals and Action Plans is easier than ever. Not to mention, the added support options within the app will come in handy in keeping yourself accountable and motivated. 

To gain access to these features and more, download the Shmoody app today on the The App Store or Google Play. Texas Tech student? Email our office, rise@ttu.edu, to receive a premium access code. Have a happy New Year, and good luck with your goals! 



Batts, R. (2023). Why Most New Year's Resolutions Fail. Ohio State University Fisher College of Business. 

Batts, R. (2020). Don't Let Obstacles Set You Back with Your Goal, Plan for Them. Ohio State University Fisher College of Business. 

Conway, B. (2023). Does Sharing Goals Help or Hurt You?EmployeeConnect.

Davis, S. (2023). New Year's Resolutions Statistics 2024. Forbes Health. 


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