Texas Tech University

RISE Blog | Benefits of Volunteering

By: Abigail Tackitt, Peer Educator
February 10th, 2022

This is not just a blog for the self-sacrificing, overachievers who love nothing more than giving every part of themselves to the benefit of others. Volunteering has amazing benefits, not just for the people you get to help, but for YOU! Extending a helping hand can improve mental health in a variety of ways. This is a condensed summary of a HelpGuide article referenced below. Let's break down what volunteering can do for you.

Improving Your Health

We all deserve to feel confident and useful. Volunteering is a great way to boost self-esteem and help you discover your purpose and passions in life. Volunteering allows for a sense of accomplishment and pride when doing good for others. Seeing the ways other people live can increase empathy. Knowing you are making a difference in someone's life can significantly improve your mood. Psychologically, having a meaningful connection with someone can result in a reduction of anxiety and stress. Having regular contact with people, along with the physical activity that comes with volunteering, can combat symptoms of depression. One study found that being helpful can produce the hormones responsible for pleasure. Humans feel happier when they give to others. Not only does volunteering help your mental health, but it also promotes opportunities for connections too.

Gaining Experience

Volunteering presents opportunities that expand your horizons. Adding volunteer hours to a resume can be beneficial if you are volunteering within your field of interest. Volunteering helps to develop new connections and find friends with similar interests. It also teaches valuable job skills through a hands-on learning environment. Before deciding on a career, it may be helpful to volunteer within the field before making a permanent decision. Finding a specific area of interest can be difficult, but identifying goals is a helpful way to narrow down your volunteer options.

Good Fit for YOU

It is important to note that volunteers may receive the most benefits out of their experience if they choose an organization with an impactful vision. In other words, find the right fit with your unique set of interests and passions. It is not necessary to give all your free time to volunteering. Even just two to three hours a week can be rewarding for both you and the agency. A volunteer experience should be exciting, fun, and fulfilling. This blog is intended as an invitation to one of many ways to get connected and maintain mental health. We are here to support you and wish you well on your volunteering journey!

Finding Volunteering Opportunities


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