Coy Callison
Phone: +1.806.834.5344
Research: Science, Environmental, Crisis or risk communication
Office: 158D
Ph.D. University of Alabama, 2000
M.A. University of Alabama, 1998
View Full CV

I am a native West Texan with a professional background in strategic communication and print journalism. I spend a lot of time outdoors fishing, hunting, hiking and gardening with my wife and daughters. I also do quite a bit of traveling when I have the time and reading because I can't sleep.
My research typically focuses on source and message factors and their interaction with cognitive tendencies and saliency factors underlying the attentiveness of individual audience members. I am interested in how people select, recall and then act on information they receive from a variety of mediated sources.
Most recently, my funded work investigates strategic communication related to science communication, extreme weather and water scarcity. In particular, I am looking at how dwindling water resources impact agricultural producers and how they may make sense of communication related to weather and water.
I also enjoy branching out a bit as well and have gained some traction lately in looking into strategic communication surrounding the craft beer industry. Some of this work relates back to my interest in water scarcity as beer brewing is a water intensive activity; but I am also just a fan of beer in general.
My academic research has appeared in Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, and Media Psychology among others.
- Experiment
- Eye Tracking
- Continuous Response
Research Areas
- Science communication
- Environmental communication
- Crisis or risk communication
Selected Publications
- Cook, M., Tremaine, D., Wyatt, B., Banner, J., Charles, J., Berg, M., Bruno, T., Glazer, Y., Callison, C., Mace, R., Miller, V., Bare, R., Sanchez-Flores, R., Seefeldt, J., Fuller, A., & Niyogi, D. (2024). Addressing challenges to ensuring equity, justice, and sustainability in policy and infrastructure for Texas water resources in the 21st century. Texas Water Journal, 15 (1), 104-139.
- Lee, N., Seltzer, T., & Callison, C. (2020). Sustainable beer: Testing the effects of water conservation messages and brewery type on consumer perceptions. Journal of Food & Products Marketing, 26, 619-638.
- Cummins, R. G., Smith, D. W., Callison, C., & Mukhtar, S. (2018). Using continuous response assessment to evaluate effectiveness of extension education products. Journal of Extension, 56 (3),
- VanDyke. M. S, & Callison. C. (2018). Using continuous response and self-report measures to understand spokesperson evaluation processes during water crises. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 164, 71-79.
- Lee, N., Seltzer, T., & Callison, C. (2017). Relationship building in the craft beer industry: A study of public relations within the growing artisanal and locavore movements. Public Relations Journal, 11 (2),
- Callison, C., & Holland, D. (2017). Impact of political identity and past crisis experience on water attitudes. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 161, 19-32.
Teaching Focus
I enjoy teaching quantitative research methods broadly and experimental methods more specifically. I also teach a data analysis class as well as more professionally-focused class in audience analysis.
- Experimental Research
- Data Analysis
- Research Methods
- Advanced Theories
- Public Opinion
- Propaganda
Leadership & Awards
- 2024 Top research poster. IMC Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference in Krems, Austria.
- 2022 Texas Tech University Integrated Scholar Award
- 2017 The Donald R. Haragan Study Abroad Award, Second Place.
- 2016 Elected to membership Arthur W. Page Society
- 2016 Texas Tech University Presidents Academic Achievement Award
- 2016 The L.U. Kaiser Teaching Innovation Award (1rst place)—Global Public Relations course taught in Berlin, Germany
- 2015 College of Media and Communication Nominee for Faculty Distinguished Leadership Award
- 2015 Public Relations Department Nominee for the Integrated Scholars Award
- 2014 Texas Tech University Mid-Career Faculty Award
- 2011 College of Mass Communications Nominee for the Barnie E. Rushing, Jr., Faculty Distinguished Research Award.
- 2011 Parkinson Award for Outstanding Public Relations Scholarship.
- 2010 Parkinson Award for Outstanding Public Relations Scholarship.
- 2010 International Conference of the Academy of Wine Business Research, top paper award across all divisions.
- 2008 International Public Relations Research Conference, top three competitive paper in Open Division.
- 2008 Broadcast Educators Association, second place competitive paper in Entertainment Theory and Research Division.
- 2007 TTU Graduate School Poster Competition, 1st Place Human Sciences Division.
- 2005 College of Mass Communications Winner of the Barnie E. Rushing, Jr., Faculty Distinguished Research Award.
- 2004 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations Research Division, Third Place Faculty Paper.
- 2003 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations Research Division, Top Three Faculty Paper.
- 2003 Broadcast Educators Association, Open Division, Second Place Debut Paper.
- 2002 College of Arts & Sciences Non-science, Non-mathematics Area Nominee for the Chancellors Distinguished Research Award.
- 2002 School of Mass Communications Nominee for the Barnie E. Rushing, Jr., Faculty Distinguished Research Award.
- 2002 Broadcast Educators Association, Open Division, Runner Up Paper.
- 2002 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations Research Division, Top Four Faculty Paper.
- 2002 Recognized as an Outstanding Professor by Pi Beta Phi.
- 2001 Recognized as a Distinguished Professor by Mortar Board.
- 2001 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Public Relations Research Division, Top Faculty Paper.
- 2001 Recipient of the Wendell Mayes Excellence in Research Award.
- 2001 Southern States Communication Association, Mass Communication Division, Top Three Research Paper.
College of Media & Communication
Texas Tech University, Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409 -