The 6350 Graduate Student Project
Part of the program for graduate students in the Texas Tech University M.A. program in Mass Communication is a culminating project with original data collected. Students may refer to this as “their 6050” because it corresponded with the class number, but the course number has now changed to 6350.
What's a 6350?
MCOM 6350 is a capstone, independent study project which culminates when a student suggests a data-driven solution to an issue for an organization. The tutorial describes everything more fully and includes several resources for students.
The 6350 Tutorial
Below is a 6350 tutorial with helpful resources embedded.
Selecting a Faculty Advisor
In their final semester each student will complete MCOM 6350, an independent study under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Reach out to the faculty member by email to request them.
Working with students on a 6350 project is a voluntary service for faculty members and they may say no. It isn't personal, it's that they may already have too many students or may have a busier-than-normal term.
Presentation Tips
Presentations for a 6350 from Jody Roginson on Vimeo
Collecting Data
Approval Form
Fill out the 6350 submission form for approval on your final project.
College of Media & Communication
Texas Tech University, Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409 -