Texas Tech University

Tanaka Chimbane, AFC®

Assistant Professor
Personal Financial Planning

Email: Tanaka.Chimbane@ttu.edu

Office: H 234C

Dr. Chimbane holds a Ph.D. in Personal Financial Planning from Texas Tech University. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Financial Planning, accompanied by an Accounting minor, from Winthrop University. Additionally, she has earned the Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC®) designation, which underlines her dedication to upholding the highest standards in financial counseling.Beyond her academic achievements, Dr. Chimbane is actively involved in community outreach endeavors. She has been instrumental in promoting financial literacy initiatives, aiming to provide accessible insights into personal finance for the public. Her expertise has gained recognition through features in prominent media outlets, including Wallet Hub and The Daily Toreador. Dr. Chimbane's commitment to community empowerment is further exemplified by her role as a mentor and volunteer financial counselor. Her passion for enhancing financial well-being has contributed significantly to the betterment of individuals and families within her community.


Photo Description

Research Focus

Dr. Chimbane's research endeavors encompass a diverse range of interests, including the exploration of retirement planning, financial behavior, and investor satisfaction. Her meticulous investigations not only shed light on the intricate dynamics that shape individuals' financial decisions and perceptions, contributing significantly to the field of Personal Financial Planning, but also extend to exploring how financial well-being and behavior intersect among young adults. With a holistic approach to enhancing our understanding of these critical areas, her work holds the potential to drive meaningful advancements in both theory and practical applications, ultimately empowering individuals of all ages to make more informed and effective financial choices.

Research Interest or Areas of Expertise

Retirement Planning, Behavioral Finance, Financial Education, Economic expectations and Investments.