American String Teachers Association Student Chapter
We believe playing a string instrument can change a life. Founded in 1946, the American String Teachers Association exists to help string and orchestra teachers and players. Our members range from budding student teachers to artist-status performers. We provide a vast array of services including our National Orchestra Festival, an award-winning scholarly journal, job postings, local and national events, and access to a vibrant and sharing string community.
The American String Teachers Association website can be found here.
The ASTA Student Chapter at Texas Tech University was established in Fall 2017. The chapter is open to all TTU students interested in strings. The chapter is a recognized TTU Student Organization and participates in campus, college, and school events. Membership also provides service to our local school string programs.
Follow the TTU ASTA Student Chapter on Facebook!
School of Music
18th and Boston Avenue Box 42033, Lubbock TX 79409-2033 -
806.742.2274 | Fax: 806.742.2294 -