Texas Tech University

graduate Audition Requirements


Audition and/or application requirements specific to each area of study are listed below. Please contact the individual professor with questions about these requirements.  Faculty contact information can be found in the FACULTY DIRECTORY.


Please contact Professor Richard Meek (r.meek@ttu.edu) or Professor Kim Walker (kim.walker@ttu.edu) for current audition information.


  • One etude of the student’s choosing from Popper Opus 73 "High School of Cello Playing"
  • Three contrasting movements of a Bach Suite
  • One movement of a standard cello concerto
  • Memorization is required for the Bach and the concerto


  • We request that you prepare two or three representative works to demonstrate technical and expressive abilities.  In addition, orchestral excerpts from the standard repertoire can be added if you have them prepared.  These are not required but would be welcomed in the audition.
  • In addition to the repertoire requested, please be prepared to play major and minor scales in whatever form you have learned. 
  • A short sight reading excerpt may or may not be presented as well.


Please visit the COMPOSITION AREA PAGE for complete audition information.

Double Bass

  • Two contrasting movements from a standard double bass concerto (e.g. Bottesini, Dittersdorf, Koussevitsky, etc.). Contrasting movements need not be from the same work.
  • Two contrasting movements from one or more Bach Cello Suites.
  • Three orchestral excerpts from the standard orchestral literature (e.g. Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Strauss, etc.).
  • Three octave major & minor scales and arpeggios.
  • At least one work should be performed by memory.

Flute (M.M. & D.M.A.)

  • J.S. Bach Sonata of your choice
  • Mozart Concerto (G or D), Movement 1, exposition
  • Selection from the standard French repertoire for flute and piano of your choice
  • Selection from the standard 20th Century or Contemporary repertoire of your choice
  • Accompaniment is not required.


 1st solo/concerto:

  • memorization preferred
  • suggested difficulty at or above works such as the Faure Impromptu, Hindemith Harp Sonata, Salzedo Scintillation, Tournier Images, Debussy Dances, Ravel Intro and Allegro, Grandjany Fantaisie sur un theme de J. Haydn

2nd solo:

  • contrasting style with the first
  • memorization preferred
  • suggested difficulty at or above works such as Tournier Au Matin, Pescetti Sonata in C minor, Rota Sarabanda e Toccata, Hasselmans La Source

A cadenza:

  • such as the Tchaikovsky Waltz of the Flowers, Rimsky-Korsakov Capriccio Espanol, or Britten Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra


  • Two contrasting movements (can be from same or different pieces) from the standard solo repertoire, or two contrasting etudes, one lyrical and one technical (you may use a solo or etude combination). Accompaniment is not required.
  • 5 standard orchestral audition excerpts 
  • All Major and Minor scales, two octaves, from memory
  • Sight reading will be required


Master of Music in Performance, Jazz Concentration

Piano, Guitar, and Bass

  • Prepare two jazz standards and/or classics of your choice, including melody and improvisation (accompaniment will be provided, or the auditioning student can provide an audio track).
  • Pianists should also be prepared to play accompaniment (comp) on the chord progression.
  • Bassists should also be prepared to play a bass line in the appropriate style on the chord progression.
  • Students must demonstrate the ability to play a two-octave major scale in all 12 keys. Faculty will choose 3 keys during the audition.
  • Applicants should prepare to sing a major and minor scale and demonstrate his or her ability to match pitch and repeat simple melodies.
  • Sight reading will also be included in all auditions.


  • Prepare two jazz standards and/or classics of your choice, including melody and improvisation (accompaniment will be provided, or the auditioning student can provide an audio track.)
  • Prepare one etude, transcription, all-state audition etude, or other jazz-oriented written material of your choice. Please bring at least one copy for the faculty.
  • Be prepared to play a one-octave major scale in all 12 keys from memory. Faculty will choose at least 3 keys during the audition.
  • Sight reading, which will be provided.
  • Applicants should prepare to sing a major and minor scale and demonstrate his or her ability to match pitch and repeat simple melodies.
  • *Optional: demonstration of proficiency on any doubles (flute, clarinet.)

Drum Set

  • Prepare two jazz standards in various styles (swing, Latin, etc.) of your choice, including the head (theme) and improvisation. Please be prepared to play accompaniment (comp), trade 4s, 8s, and solo over the form of the tune. Accompaniment will be provided, or the auditioning student can provide audio tracks.
  • Rudimental Snare Drum Etude: Suggested repertoire includes one etude from The All-American Drummer by Charles Wilcoxon, 14 Modern Contest Solos for Snare Drum by John S. Pratt, Modern Swing Solos by Charles Wilcoxon, or something similar. Please bring at least one copy of the selection for the faculty. Big band sight-reading excerpt, which will be provided.
  • Applicants should prepare to sing a major and minor scale and demonstrate his or her ability to match pitch and repeat simple melodies.
  • *Optional: drum set etude, transcription, or musical excerpt selected by the auditioning student.


  • Two contrasting solos: one movement each from two contrasting separate works
  • Two contrasting etudes: select from Charlier, Bitsch, or a similar book
  • Excerpts: 5 orchestral or wind band excerpts
  • An example of small horn playing: Eb or piccolo, or both
  • All major and minor scales with arpeggios: 2 octaves when possible
  • Sight reading: with and without transposition

Please contact Dr. Julia Bell (julia.bell@ttu.edu) or Dr. Kevin Whalen (kevin.whalen@ttu.edu) directly to schedule an audition.


  • Prepare two jazz standards and/or classics of your choice, including melody and improvisation (accompaniment will be provided, or the auditioning student can provide an audio track.)
  • Prepare one etude, transcription, all-state audition etude, or other jazz-oriented written material of your choice. Please bring at least one copy for the faculty.
  • Be prepared to play a one-octave major scale in all 12 keys from memory. Faculty will choose at least 3 keys during the audition.
  • Play a brief classical etude or solo of your selection.
  • Sight reading, which will be provided.
  • Applicants should prepare to sing a major and minor scale and demonstrate his or her ability to match pitch and repeat simple melodies.

Bass Trombone

  • Prepare two contrasting jazz-oriented written selections of your choice. Examples include all-state audition material, published jazz etudes, transcriptions, or excerpts from big band literature that highlight your low range, flexibility, articulation, and facility.
  • Play a brief classical etude or solo of your selection.
  • Be prepared to play a one-octave major scale in all 12 keys from memory. Faculty will choose at least 3 keys during the audition.
  • Sight reading, which will be provided.
  • Applicants should prepare to sing a major and minor scale and demonstrate his or her ability to match pitch and repeat simple melodies.
  • *Optional: Prepare a jazz standard and/or classic of your choice, including melody and improvisation (accompaniment will be provided, or the auditioning student can provide an audio track.)



The keyboard faculty strongly encourages all prospective students, especially those interested in receiving scholarship aid or qualifying for graduate assistantships, to travel to Lubbock for a live audition and interview.

Official audition dates are:

• Saturday, February 8, 2025

• Saturday, February 22, 2025

• Saturday, March 1, 2025


The keyboard faculty will accept pre-recorded video auditions. Applicants must upload video links through the application portal. Following the review of application materials, including video auditions, we will invite selected applicants to participate in virtual interviews conducted on Zoom.

• To be considered for a live Zoom interview on February 8, 2025, applications and video recordings must be submitted by January 25, 2025.

• To be considered for a live Zoom interview on February 22, 2025, applications and video recordings must be submitted by February 8, 2025.

• To be considered for a live Zoom interview on March 1, 2025, applications and video recordings must be submitted by February 15, 2025.


(To apply for a graduate assistantship, please see requirements at the bottom of this page.)

Master of Music in Piano Performance

  • An audition, approximately 30 minutes in length, consisting of three or more compositions or movements from contrasting style periods representing major works of the standard performance repertoire
  • Sightreading assessment**
  • Résumé or curriculum vita
  • Repertoire list

Master of Music in Organ Performance

  • An audition, approximately 30 minutes in length, consisting of three or more compositions or movements from contrasting style periods representing major works of the standard performance repertoire
  • Sightreading assessment**
  • Résumé or curriculum vita
  • Repertoire list

Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy

  • An audition, approximately 20 minutes in length, consisting of 3 or more compositions or movements from contrasting style periods representing major works of the standard performance repertoire
  • A link to a video recording, at least 20 minutes in length, of recent teaching (one-on-one and/or group piano)
  • Statement of teaching philosophy
  • Résumé or curriculum vita

Master of Music in Collaborative Piano

An audition, approximately 25-30 minutes in length

  • First or last movement from a major instrumental duo sonata, including but not limited to, the sonatas of Mozart (K. 301 and up), Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, Schumann, Franck, Faure, Poulenc, Prokofiev, Copland, or Shostakovich
  • Two art songs/lieder/mélodie in two contrasting styles and languages
  • A substantial solo work/movement of at least 10 minutes in duration (must contrast in style to the instrumental duo sonata selection)

You are welcome to bring your own partners; TTU SoM may provide partners for applicants with sufficient advance notice - please communicate with Dr. Nataliya Sukhina as soon as possible to discuss the arrangements.

  • Sightreading assessment**
  • Résumé or curriculum vita
  • Repertoire list of both solo and collaborative works - may include repertoire you have performed or studied/rehearsed

Applicants who choose an online-only audition may be asked to submit an additional recording of a piano part from a short piece (TBD) within one week of assignment as a substitute for a sight-reading portion.

All video recordings should be from the last two (2) years, unedited and audio must be of high quality. Please make sure your instrumental/vocal partner is in camera view.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Performance

  • An audition, approximately 40 minutes in length, consisting of 3 or more compositions or movements from contrasting style periods representing major works of the standard performance repertoire
  • Sightreading assessment**
  • Résumé or curriculum vita
  • Repertoire list

Doctor of Musical Arts in Organ Performance

  • An audition, approximately 40 minutes in length, consisting of 3 or more compositions or movements from contrasting style periods representing major works of the standard performance repertoire
  • Sightreading assessment**
  • Résumé or curriculum vita
  • Repertoire list

Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Pedagogy

  • An audition, approximately 30 minutes in length, consisting of 3 or more compositions or movements from contrasting style periods representing major works of the standard performance repertoire
  • A link to a video recording, at least 20 minutes in length, of recent teaching (one-on-one and/or group piano)
  • Statement of teaching philosophy
  • Sightreading assessment**
  • Résumé or curriculum vita
  • Repertoire list

Graduate Certificate in Piano Pedagogy

  • An audition consisting of two contrasting works of at least intermediate-level difficulty. Memorization is optional.
  • A link to a video recording, at least 20 minutes in length, of recent teaching (one-on-one and/or group piano)
  • Résumé or curriculum vitae

Graduate Certificate in Collaborative Piano

  • An audition, approximately 20 minutes in length, consisting of solo piano works from contrasting style periods (at least late-intermediate/early advanced level). Memorization is optional.
  • A link to a video of any type of collaborative/chamber performances, approximately 20 minutes in length
  • Sightreading assessment **
  • Résumé or curriculum vita
  • Repertoire list (may include both solo/collaborative works)

***Graduate Assistantships in Teaching and/or Accompanying***

  • If you intend to apply for a graduate assistantship (MM and DMA applicants only), include in your application a link to a video recording, at least 20 minutes in length, of recent teaching (one-on-one and/or group piano) or collaborative/chamber performance(s).

**The sightreading assessment may be completed at time of audition or before the first semester of enrollment.


Please contact Instructor Susie Rockett (mrockett@ttu.edu) for current audition information


Graduate auditions in the Percussion area can be scheduled independently from TTU School of Music audition dates. Prospective graduate students should contact Dr. Lisa Rogers (lisa.rogers@ttu.edu) and Dr. Michael Mixtacki to arrange an audition date in-person, or the possible submission of recordings and virtual meetings.

Prospective students should prepare a 30-minute audition program including the following:

Required audition material:

  • An advanced four-mallet marimba solo of your choice
  • A two-mallet marimba or xylophone selection of your choice

(ex: a Bach cello suite transcription, selections from Koshinski’s Two, ororchestral excerpts such as Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess, or Kabalevsky’s Colas Breugnon Overture are acceptable)

  • Snare drum etudes representing contemporary and/or rudimental styles 

(ex: Delecluse Douze Etudes, Peters Advanced Snare Drum Studies, Tompkins Nine French-American Rudimental Solos, etc.)

  • A timpani solo or advanced etude 

(ex: Carter’s Eight Pieces for Timpani, Vic Firth The Solo Timpanist, Hochrainer Etudes for Timpani, etc.)

  • Sight reading on mallets and snare drum
  • Pitch matching and tuning intervals on timpani

Optional selections:

  • Multiple percussion
  • Two or four-mallet Vibraphone solo
  • Drum set styles (ex: Swing/Jazz/Fusion, Rock, Funk, Brazilian Jazz, Afro-Cuban Jazz, or play-along tracks of your choice)
  • Hand drums, steel pan, or other world percussion instruments depending on the candidate’s expertise

The audition will also include a short interview with the percussion faculty. This can include a discussion about career interests and contributions to the percussion area and School of Music. Candidates should also prepare several questions and be prepared to discuss their skills and experience as related to any available assistantships.

Please contact Dr. Rogers or Dr. Mixtacki about any accompaniment or technology needs prior to your audition.


Please contact Professor David Dees (d.dees@ttu.edu) for current audition information


  • Prepare two contrasting movements (can be from the same or from different works) from the standard solo repertoire. Accompaniment is not required.
  • Prepare three to five orchestral excerpts.
  • All Major and Minor scales, two octaves, from memory
  • Sight reading will be required
  • Please contact Professor James T. Decker (james.decker@ttu.edu) to schedule an audition date and time.


      • Two contrasting solos: one movement each from two contrasting separate works
      • Two contrasting etudes: select from Charlier, Bitsch, or a similar book
      • Excerpts: 5 orchestral or wind band excerpts
      • An example of small horn playing: Eb or piccolo, or both
      • All major and minor scales with arpeggios: 2 octaves when possible
      • Sight reading: with and without transposition

Please contact Dr. Julia Bell (julia.bell@ttu.edu) or Dr. Kevin Whalen (kevin.whalen@ttu.edu) directly to schedule an audition.


  • Two contrasting movements (can be from same or different pieces) from the standard solo repertoire. Accompaniment is not required.
  • 3-5 standard audition excerpts (band or orchestra).
  • All Major and Minor scales, two octaves, from memory.  
  • Sight reading will be required.
  • Please contact Dr. Kevin Wass (kevin.wass@ttu.edu) to schedule an audition date and time.


Masters of Music in Viola Performance

  • One movement of a standard high-level concerto (Stamitz, Hindemith, Walton, Bartok, Schnittke, etc.)
  • Two contrasting movements from the same Cello Suite or Violin Sonatas and Partitas by JS Bach (please omit repeats in the dance movements).
  • One movement of a standard sonata. 
  • Either the concerto or Bach must be memorized.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Viola Performance

  • One movement of a standard high-level concerto (Stamitz, Hindemith, Walton, Bartok, Schnittke, etc.)
  • Two contrasting movements from the same Cello Suite or Violin Sonatas and Partitas by JS Bach (please omit repeats in the dance movements).
  • One movement of a standard sonata.
  • A solo work other than Bach (Vieuxtemps Capriccio, Biber Passacaglia, a movement from a solo Hindemith sonata, etc.).
  • Either the concerto, solo, or Bach must be memorized.


Two contrasting movements from any one of the unaccompanied Sonatas or Partitas of J. S. Bach.

A solo piece of the candidates choosing. The selection should reflect your highest level of technical proficiency and refinement, and most sophisticated level of musicianship.

The first or last movement of a major concerto with cadenza. Concerti and solo Bach must be memorized.


Pre-screening requirements MM/DMA

A pre-screening video of two contrasting selections representing two languages is required before coming to campus for a live audition. Pre-screening materials are uploladed in the "optional materials" section within the application system of the Graduate School.

Master of Music (MM) and/or Opera Certificate

Four selections, memorized, are required, one in each of the four languages, English, Italian, German, & French.

Of the four, no more than two may be arias, art songs should be well represented, and at least one of the selections should be from the Classical period, representing composers such as Mozart or Haydn, or similar compositional styles.

The auditionee may make selections from various style periods as best represents their vocal & performing capabilities. Students auditioning for a MM or DMA in voice at Texas Tech will be asked to bring a piece to the audition that will be coached in front of the audition panel. The piece of music should be in a foreign language but otherwise is the student’s choice.

Study at this degree level is almost exclusively classical in nature, but the use of a music theatre selection to demonstrate performing capabilities is acceptable.

A personal accompanist is welcome, or a highly-qualified accompanist will be made available, free of charge, with prior notice.

In that event, a list of selections should be sent to Dr. William Averill no less than one week prior to the audition to fully prepare the provided accompanist.

Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)

The audition requirements for this degree consist of presenting a list of eight memorized selections from which the Voice Faculty may choose.

Students auditioning for a MM or DMA in voice at Texas Tech will be asked to bring a piece to the audition that will be coached in front of the audition panel. The piece of music should be in a foreign language but otherwise is the student’s choice.

The widest variety of performing styles, languages, and periods is expected at this degree level.

A personal accompanist is welcome, or a highly-qualified accompanist will be made available, free of charge, with prior notice.

In that event, a list of selections should be sent to Dr. William Averill no less than one week prior to the audition to fully prepare the provided accompanist.

TTU Double-T


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